Congress is the Key

Archive for the ‘Religion’

Obama Nation

The Obama Nation that could come to be Obama has Terrorist Ties and Radical Roots  Obama's Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans Watch the video of Larry Grathwohl, former member of the weather underground. Larry Grathwohl heard this plan to kill 25 Million Americans with his own ears. Coming to a re-education camp near you: […]

World Tyranny was One Treaty Away WATCH THIS VIDEO AND UNDERSTAND HOW CLOSE WE WERE TO WORLD GOVERNMENT. Obama IS still Poised to Cede US Sovereignty. WATCH THE Actual VIDEO of Lord Monckton saying, "Obama poised to Cede Sovereignty. Climate Treaty WILL create a world government.  The Minnesota Free Market Institute hosted an event at Bethel University in St. Paul on Oct. […]