Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’
Why Must We Live in Fear of So Many Hoaxes?
In one life time we have seen many types of propaganda campaigns to scare people about some sort of a crisis. A very small amount of research will reveal that these propaganda campaigns come from a concerted collusion of powerful voices including media, politicians, “Big Tech” social platforms, and radical leftist organizers. At the same time […]
How Power Elite Criminals Dupe the Masses into Giving them More Power and Money
The very most powerful criminals in the world are about to be prosecuted for decades of criminal activities. These criminals have been safe from prosecution for decades due to the political power that they previously held. Many of these crimes are capital offenses and serious felonies. They include murder, treason, bribery, human trafficking, money laundering, […]
When the Very Most Powerful Criminals Are Desperate They Do Outlandish Things
The very most powerful criminals in the world are about to be prosecuted for decades of criminal activities. These criminals have been safe from prosecution for decades due to the political power that they previously held. Many of these crimes are capital offenses and serious felonies. They include murder, treason, bribery, human trafficking, money laundering, […]
PLANDEMIC – Dr. Judy Mikovits on Preventing the Extinction of Mankind
Dr. Judy Mikovits is risking her life to save your life. Down load this video now before it is censored AGAIN. Multiple URLs are provided because the criminals who control The Deep State are certain to continue attempting to stop the exposure of this information: still processing ALREADY CENSORED ALREADY CENSORED ALREADY CENSORED […]
History Lesson on Resisting Tyranny That We Learned at the Bundy Ranch
This is what happened at the Bundy Ranch when the Feds tried to bully one rancher and his family: Now we are told that they are planning to force us all to take a vaccine that they have not yet tested. This is in place of curing COVID-19 in less than 6 days with […]
If You Download This Video Now Before It Is Censored You Will Save Lives- Maybe Your Own
Once this video has broken past the censorship of the Deep State controlled media they will know that killing Dr. Rashid Buttar will only increase the interest in the information that is here. Downloading this, and sharing this, could save Dr. Rashid Buttar’s life. Understanding this could save your own life. Creating widespread understanding of this […]
It is not often that we, the people, have a chance to make history. HERE IT IS!
We, the people, now have before us, a turning point that will shape our own lives, and will shape the lives of future generations. Whether you live in South Carolina or not: Your life will be affected by the votes that are cast, in the US Senate, by the Senator, who is elected by the voters of South […]
Ron Paul- Secession is an American Principle America came into being because we seceded from the British Empire. This all started over a little tax on TEA. We formed these United States by the consent of the governed. Being required to consent is a contradiction of terms. Amendment X – Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791 The powers […]
Federal Ministry of Murder Versus American Justice
Who will protect us from our Protectors? The “Police State” Issue of The New American magazine The cover shows an ATF agent, in camouflage, and carrying an assault rifle. He is wearing sun glasses, and has a piece of tape over his badge number. Has Your Government Ordered Your Death Yet? Our government now […]
Video of RNC Teleprompter Showing Scripted Voting Results Before Voting Finished This video was made on August 28, 2012 during the vote on the new controversial RNC rules. It shows the PREDETERMINED SCRIPT of the proceedings of the Republican National Convention, INCLUDING THE OUTCOME OF THE VOTING. They refused to actually counts votes, but simply ruled that “the ayes have it” […]