Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’
New World Order Banksters Kick Back Tax Money to Politicians
Donors to Paul Ryan & Mitt Romney: Hello, New World Order Mitt Romney (R) Top Contributors This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2012 election cycle. The organizations themselves do not donate , rather the money comes from the organizations’ PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and […]
Ron Paul Song – END THIS WAR
I STILL HAVE TEARS IN MY EYES AND They tell Us that Ron Paul is a Lunatic? (Blocked outside of the US) or Here is what we are told that a lunatic wants: Obeying The Constitution- keeping the oath that every President swears. Sound money. Freedom, liberty, and justice for ALL. Peace. No […]
Obama Calls on The UN to Govern Arizona
Arizona Gov. Brewer Responds to Obama and Clinton Concerning The Human Rights Report To The United Nations: We Are Offended At Sec Clinton Including Arizona In The Human Rights Report To The U.N.! This youtube will play faster until it gets censored The words, that are below, are found in The Declaration of […]
Biological Population Control and Genocide: Science Fiction or Current Events?
Flouride, aspartame, mercury, lead, vaccines, and lithium are being used to control your very thoughts. Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine: Nano Tech Lobotomy by Injection Establishment Media Pushes Brain Eating Vaccines New York Times and Other Media Pushing for Drugging Water Supply In 2006 Article White House […]
Creation of Tyranny Becomes McChrystal Clear
Some of the so called insubordinate comments are not even alleged to have come from McChrystal. They came from his aides. The aides allege McChrystal said Obama looked “uncomfortable and intimidated” at a meeting with his generals. Exactly how careful does a general have to be with his words? This is the ideology of Joseph […]
Where’s The Fence?
Get the border wall built. This is a very cute video This is a very informative speech The Naked Capitalist (Paperback) by W. Cleon Skousen A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s book: A Tragedy and Hope- the History of the World in Our Time Thomas Jefferson said: “The price […]
The Danger of a Constitutional Convention
The Danger of a Constitutional Convention The Constitutional convention is a means to destroy our republic: nothing more and nothing less. The real question about Constitutional Convention is this: Do we need to give the power to write a new constitution to the very people who have been ignoring, usurping, and trying to destroy the constitution that we have […]
Pressure from above and below
Every crisis provides an EXCUSE FOR THE BUILDING OF TYRANNY. In every call for more power for government there should be a reminder that nothing in the measure will abrogate the constitutional rights of American citizens. We must not destroy freedom in the name of defending freedom. Be careful about elimination of rights, or the setting up […]
Meltdown of Global Warming Hoax
Breaking news: The Meltdown of the Global Warming Hoax. THOUSANDS of emails, hacked from globalist computers prove a criminal conspiracy to defraud the entire world, and to create world tyranny by perpetrating a gigantic hoax. Climate treaty is now freezing up. “Cap and Trade” exposed as a gigantic swindle. Global tyranny banksters caught RED handed. Faked “scientific” data was just a lot […]
Warnings of the Creation of Police State from everywhere except the mass media
Warnings of the Creation of a Police State are coming from everywhere…except your mass media Interview – Naomi Wolf – Give Me Liberty Rep. Brad Sherman Martial Law and A Congressman tells us: We Are Under Martial Law NOW! Watch this video and hear these exact […]