Congress is the Key


DR. CARRIE MADEJ RELEASES FIRST LOOK AT PFIZER VIAL CONTENTS: This hydro parasite is in J & J Vaxx also The interview has awesome videos of this small parasite(s) called Hydro with its many arms that’s been found in J & J Vaxx and in PFIZER vial vaccine contents as well. Dr. Carrie Madej […]

Complete Documentary of What is Happening In This World

The Complete Documentary of What is Happening In This World.  Unless large numbers of people understand what is presented here the world will be doomed to world wide tyranny. The Complete Documentary of What is Happening In This World.This is the most complete, well put together documentary of what is happening in our world […]

Pentagon to Require COVID Vaccine for All Troops

NO ENEMY HAS EVER KILLED THIS MANY AMERICAN SOLDIERS, THIS QUICKLY, IN OUR ENTIRE HISTORY. Forcing people to accept an experimental vaccine is a crime against humanity, punishable by death. For more information read the Nuremberg Code: Using germ warfare to annihilate the American military is a war crime. Treason against the Unites States […]

Meet the American Gestapo. The Storm Troopers Have Already Been Trained

Army Sergeant Cindy Bronson: “Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed in the United States that weapon is not just pointed at other people, other countries. That weapon is pointed at you. If you do not get in your house when I tell you to, you become the enemy. Martial law. You know, […]

The Critical Race Theory IS Systemic Racism.

The Critical Race Theory teaches judging people on the basis of their race. This is done to create class struggle which is the fuel for a Communist revolution. The Critical Race Theory is Communist indoctrination aimed at intentionally CREATING racism, so as to divide and conquer. While teaching racial hatred they accuse their opponents of […]

Censorship- Oppression of Expression is Confession

HERE IS THE WARNING THAT WE GOT ABOUT APPROVING POSTS THAT ARE CENSORED: Threat and Warning; Think twice! This post includes false information. If you publish it, your account and group might have new restrictions. Are you being told that a post violates some big social platform’s communist standards? If someone posts false information anyone […]


This documentary is ABSOLUTE PROOF that President Donald Trump was legally elected by a land slide. At this time the only things left to be done before putting America into a Communist tyranny is to purge the anti-communists from the military, and to disarm the American people. Both of these things are in progress NOW. […]

Invasion of America by Communist China May be Imminent

Nothing will demonstrate the truth of this message any better that this type of censorship. Oppression of expression is confession. Communist Chinese troops are now positioned in Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Mexico, but for the time being they are being watched by the United States Air Force, satellites, and the Border Patrol. This will […]

Washington Mayor Trying to Deprive Trump Supporters of Necessities

Mayor of Washington DC has ordered the closing of all providers of essential services on Jan 4th, 5th and 6th to deprive Trump supporters of essential services. We have no need to point out that the Mayor of Washington has no authority to order businesses to close in order to deprive Trump supporters of essential […]

The Plot to Steal America Absolutely must see video. A superb, concise summary of the past year 2020, of the treachery, subversion, and infamy which America has endured, and a clarion call to action to fight for freedom, our families, and our Republic against its enemies, both foreign and domestic. Analysis of Vote Fraud: Who is Stealing America? […]