April 19 is A Day of Death in History

Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County Says Arm Yourself
http://youtu.be/GMunMdrCX_8 April 19, 1994 — Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994 “[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it’s perceptions.” April 19, 1995 -Oklahoma City At 9:02 a.m.: A massive car-bomb explosion was used as a detonator of; or a diversion of attention away from, other INTERNAL EXPLOSIONS. Demolition charges on the critical failed support columns destroyed the entire side of a nine story federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 persons, including 19 children inside a day care center. A decorated Gulf War veteran was later convicted for the attack. Bombing of Federal Building in Oklahoma City sets off hunt for Arab terrorists & Muslims. Results in new laws suspending due process for non-US citizens.
April 19, 1996 Marine Corp issues treatise against “right wing” extremism EXECUTIVE SUMMARY http://www.fas.org/irp/eprint/presley.htm Title: Rise of Domestic Terrorism and Its Relation to United States Armed Forces Author: LCDR Steven Mack Presley, MSC, USN Thesis: Extremist
April 19, 1998 British Family Kidnapped – A British Council teacher, his wife and their 14-year-old son have been kidnapped by tribesmen while driving to the capital from southern Yemen, the embassy said Sunday. David Mitchell, 48, his wife Caroline and son Ben were seized around midday Thursday on the road from the southern port city of Aden to the capital, said David Pearce, the deputy head of mission. The kidnapping took place outside the town of Dhamar, 100 kilometres (60 miles) from Sanaa. (AFP)
An update of this concept, with the United States in mind, would go like this:
Then they dropped a bomb on the building of the Philadelphia MOVE group, and destroyed two city blocks, and killed 11 members. Most of us did not object because we did not believe in the same things as the MOVE group. Then they burned the house of Gordon Kahl, a tax protester, and killed him. Most of us did not object because we did not believe in the same things as Gordon Kahl. Then they burned the house of Robert Matthews, leader of “The Order,” and killed him. Most of us did not object because we did not believe in the same things as Robert Matthews. Then they conducted a siege and a raid of 80-member Covenant of the Sword and Arm of the Lord religious group. Most of us did not object because we did not believe in the same things as the Covenant of the Sword and Arm of the Lord. Then they conducted a siege and a raid of Randy Weaver’s family, and killed or wounded nearly everyone present; even including a baby and the dog. Many of us did not object because we did not believe in the same things as Randy Weaver’s family. Then they burned the church of the Branch Davidians and killed nearly all of them. A few of us did not object because we did not believe in the same things as the Branch Davidians And then they kidnapped Elian Gonzalez …” John Perna April 22, 2000
Vaccination: The Excuse For Tyranny Mark Of The Beast IS HERE NOW http://targetfreedom.typepad.com/targetfreedom/2009/09/vaccination-the-excuse-for-tyranny.html
The sequence of steps that have been taken,
in this country,
is the most common pathway to dictatorship.
“You would rather we let or guard down and suffer terrorist attacks on our own soil?”
“Can’t the government cut a few corners to help with natural calamities?” Government officials making searches without warrants, demanding identification without probable cause, to believe that a crime has been committed IS a terrorist attack on our own soil.
For Hitler, the national emergency was the burning of the Reichstag Building. Then he set up the Gestapo.
We have 9-11 and “HomeLand Security”. It even sounds like “Fatherland”
Totalitarians gain power through techniques that have been developed over the entire history of mankind. Most of these techniques have been written down in “training manuals” for would be dictators.
Examples are:
“And Not a Shot is Fired” by Jan Kozak, This is the manual for taking power through crisis. This is ALSO the manual for STOPPING the taking of power through crisis, if the freedom loving people read it. These techniques have also been revealed by “defectors” such as Eric Blair, who wrote “1984”, under the pen name of George Orwell. Nineteen Eighty Four (1984) by Orwell http://americanistbookstore.com/books/nineteen-eighty-four/ The creation of “emergencies” is a part of the totalitarian agenda. The creation of “emergencies” gives the government an excuse to “crack down”. Then the creation of tyranny becomes justifiable and inevitable. When “emergencies” erupt the population accepts totalitarian measures as “the only alternative to the chaos”. The action is in the REACTION. This tactic is called “pressure from above and pressure from below”. The Communist book, called “And Not a Shot is Fired” by Jan Kozak , explains this entire strategy. Jan Kozak, who was then a member of the Czechoslovak Communist Party Central Committee, explains how a free government was actually transformed into a totalitarian dictatorship – legally. “And Not a Shot Is Fired” originated as an internal Czechoslovak Communist Party strategy paper. “And Not a Shot is Fired” is a “‘how-to’ manual for takeover of a free and elected system of government, through legal means. Kozak’s discussion is not theory about what “might” be possible to accomplish the seizure of power. It is a history of a technique that was actually proven, by its implementation. And Not a Shot Is Fired by Jan Kozak – Jan Kozak explains Pressure from above is what Jan Kozak called “revolutionary parliamentarianism”. “Revolutionary parliamentarianism” means working INSIDE of the system to change laws in such a way as to increase the power of government. Pressure from below consists of the creation of the “emergencies”; which are then used as the excuses to increase the power of government. Karl Marx referred to pressure from below as “the proletarian struggle”. Pressure from below might involve violence, or it might simply be the creation of the appearance of popular support for the increase in the power of government. Our government leaves our border WIDE OPEN to illegal aliens, but then claims to “protect” us, by creating totalitarian measures against law abiding American citizens.
Thomas Jefferson said: WARNING: This message has been intercepted and stored by the National Security Agency as part of its unlawful spying program on all Americans. The National Security Agency is the only part of the government that actually LISTENS to you. Do you wish that the government would read the Constitution? Just email it privately to your friends. What we formerly called “freedom of speech” we now call the “right to remain silent.” BUT they will now claim that you DO NOT HAVE the right to remain silent… if THEY are asking the questions. ============= If you get a message that says “address is not valid” then copy and paste the address into the address bar. This is the Most Extensive Collection of Freedom Videos Ever Compiled: http://targetfreedom.com/videos-to-watch/best-collection-of-freedom-videos/ John Perna JPerna at sc.rr.com which, if not censored, will show as: JPerna@sc.rr.com Are you looking for a book about defending liberty? http://americanistbookstore.com/ Then look here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aag/main/ref=olp_merch_name_6?ie=UTF8&asin=188191903X&isAmazonFulfilled=0&seller=A1AVPSERX4QF0E ————— To be removed from my address book, To be added to my address book, Send this to JPerna at sc.rr.com V ~ For Victory HERE IS your Free DISCOUNT Card FOR Prescription and Lab work. UP TO 75% OFF http://www.freerxplus.com/FRP01505/en/Home.html OR HERE: http://targetfreedom.com/discounted-prescription-and-laboratory-service/ Print Your Own and Get Paid to Hand out Free Prescription Discount Cards or Post Metadata
April 17th, 2015
John Perna