Congress is the Key

Police State Training In Anderson, SC

 6-8-2010 through 6-20-2010

The Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, the US Army, numerous SC state agencies, other federal agencies, and local law enforcement will conduct a military drill in Anderson county, SC, and surrounding areas, as a mock terrorist attack, from June 8, 2010. through June 20 2010.

“Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when
the government’s purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally
alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.”
Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) – American judge

Who does FEMA say those terrorists are? Watch them for yourself! They say that Christians, our founding fathers, and homeschoolers are terrorists.
Sit in on an actual FEMA Gestapo training class:



DHS Office has Issued a “Glossary of Domestic Extremist Groups”. 
The Office of Intelligence and Analysis uses a broad brush to define
dozens of supposedly extremist ideologies inside the United States, in a
report called “Domestic Extremism Lexicon”:
Read the entire document here:

Read a discussion here: 
The document covers a broad range of extremist causes, including anti-
abortion, anti-immigration, animal rights, black separatism, anti-technology
extremism, Cuban independence activism, tax resistors, and religious
extremism of various faiths.
A few examples:
Tax resistance extremists are people who “vehemently believe taxes
violate their constitutional rights.
There are broad descriptions of extremists as “mainly antigovernment,
rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority”; “may include groups
and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to
abortion or immigration”. 
In a free country the people ARE THE GOVERNMENT. How can free people be “antigovernment”?
Do real terrorists go around with Al Qaeda bumper stickers?
Is our government fighting terrorism, or just oppressing freedom of speech?



We must remind police, military personel, and any other government employees, of their oath of office before any martial law exercise. Go to their web pages and get their contact information. Send emails, faxes, and make phone calls. Contact law enforcement at all levels. Contact county officials, national guard, and the Attorney General of SC.
The oath of office for all of these “public servants” is to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC:
We ask local representatives and police to protect our civil liberties.
 Our county sheriff’s and state police have the obligation, and the duty, to uphold the oath that they have sworn.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT must be a defense against central tyranny. 

We ask local representatives and police to protect our civil liberties.
 Our county sheriff’s and state police have the obligation, and the duty, to uphold the oath that they have sworn.


For details visit:
Sheriff Mack The Power of the County Sheriff
The “Rising Police State” Issue of the New American Magazine.  (Oct 07, 2002)


We are told that this is a training exercise. Is this a training for a the imposition of martial law? There are many different videos presented here. Any one of those videos shows quite clearly that there already exists a group of government agents, who have been brainwashed into describing people who defend liberty as terrorists. The link below gives account of a Baptist Pastor who was beaten, and tazed, by border patrol agents, near Phoenix . He required 11 stitches. He was called a terrorist because he chose not to waive his right to remain silent. 

The “Propagandizing Police” Issue of The New American Magazine.  (Nov. 8 1999)

Product image

Who is being trained? Are the American PEOPLE being trained to accept martial law? Let them know that we failed this training!

In every call for more power, for government, there should be strict adherence to the highest law in the land: The Constitution.  

 Nothing in any other type of law can abrogate the constitutional rights of American citizens. We must not destroy freedom in the name of defending freedom.
Our constitution did not give the law enforcement function to the federal
The 10th amendment PROHIBITS any federal law enforcement functions.

Our constitution provides for “checks and balances” and the “division of powers”. The term that is being used for the destruction of this constitutional principle is “fusion”. It is the nature of every dictatorship to centralize all of the power.

Click on these images to zoom in



Every DICTATORSHIP gives the law enforcement function to the CENTRAL
This is the derivation of the term “POLICE STATE”. The best explanation of this is found in:

“The Disturbing Trend Toward Federal Police” by Congressman Ron Paul


The “Police State” Special Edition Issue of The New American magazine. (Fall/Winter 1994)





The cover shows an ATF agent, in camouflage, and carrying an assault rifle. He is wearing sun glasses, and has a piece of tape over his badge number.
Militarization of Our Police 

A somewhat humorous discussion of a very serious subject.

We are becoming a military police state.


Local media coverage of this event can be read here:



Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery at certainty.” John Perna

WARNING: This message has been intercepted and stored by the National Security Agency as part of its unlawful spying program on all Americans. The National Security Agency is the only part of the government that actually LISTENS to you. Do you wish that the government would read the Constitution? Just email it privately to your friends. What we formerly called “freedom of speech” we now call the “right to remain silent.” BUT they will now claim that you DO NOT HAVE the right to remain silent… if THEY are asking the questions.
The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they?

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May 31st, 2010

John Perna

