Congress is the Key

Private Corporate Mercenaries Invade South Carolina & Arizona

Private Security Continues to Invade American Towns
November 6, 2010 by Alex
Private Security Continues to Invade American Towns
November 6, 2010 by Alex

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
A couple nights ago, I was sitting in front of the TV waiting on the local campaign coverage. Amid the mindless programming that passes for entertainment, and the irritating advertisements that follow it, a particular commercial caught my eye. This commercial, which initially resembled the trailer for COPS, depicted uniformed officers carrying out their nightly duties. One of these scenes involved an officer manhandling and arresting a suspect in what appears to be a public place. While my initial reaction was one of disgust for the glorification of the police state, I was somewhat more disturbed when I saw what this commercial was actually advertising. It was for a relatively new company named Advanced Protection Services, located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
APS is a private investigations and security contractor functioning in only two states, as of yet – South Carolina and Arizona. Its staff is drawn from former law enforcement and military personnel and its services range from property and nightclub security to community patrol.  The latter, which is stated clearly on the APS website, is particularly concerning due to the fact that, while there may be a place for private security firms, “community patrol” is a local police duty.  Interestingly enough, APS patrol cars are similar to Horry County and Myrtle Beach city police cars and have been seen in the area before.  Whether or not these vehicles were patrolling is unknown. However, a presence has clearly been established.
Nevertheless, without the benefit of local advertising, one might have been lulled into thinking that the new cars patrolling their neighborhoods with “Advanced Protection Services” painted on the side were merely the result of the creation of another specialized task force designed to harass the citizenry and waste taxpayer money. Unfortunately, while this would be bad enough, it appears that South Carolina has now been invaded by a miniature version of Blackwater Xe. This is a clear indication of the rise of the trend in private security firms engaging in work that was once done by local police who are allegedly accountable to the people.
Last year, it was discovered that a private security company, American Police Force, had entered the small town of Hardin, Montana and had assumed the duties of patrolling the town and enforcing laws. APF had originally been contracted to provide security at a detention center near Hardin. However, not long after, residents were answering to them as if they were real law enforcement personnel. APF “officers” were soon driving around in police patrol vehicles, harassing citizens, and acting as if they were truly the authority in Hardin. Only after the independent media, such as Alex Jones’ Infowars, exposed APF did the mercenaries leave Hardin.
Private security forces, DynCorp specifically, were also used in the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans.  The use of private security forces in war theatres such as Iraq and Afghanistan is bad enough, but their use against the American people is unconscionable.  Unfortunately, this is a trend that is continuing to grow by leaps and bounds every year. While one can argue that there is a place for private security companies, there is no argument to be made for their assuming duties designated to local police forces. It is important for everyone to remember that private security forces, whether contracted out by the government, businesses, or acting alone, have no jurisdiction. They are not police officers and should not be treated as such.
It’s not likely that many local police officers appreciate private security being brought in to do the jobs designated to them — especially when these contractors make many times more money than public officers for doing the same (if not less) amount of work. Thus, it is important for everyone — average citizens and police officers alike — to speak up and stop private security forces from invading our communities. For those communities that have already been invaded, it’s time to make your voices heard and drive them out.
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University where he earned the Pee Dee Electric Scholar’s Award as an undergraduate. He has had numerous articles published dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, and civil liberties. He also the author of Codex Alimentarius – The End of Health Freedom

In reality, these police cannot be private as long as they work for government. They simply have a layer of obfuscation to leave the government less accountable, and they operate outside of the rule of law . This is the paramilitary thug caste that is common to every dictatorship.Ultimate Justice Inevitably Comes to Tyrants and Their Stooges
The cover shows an ATF agent, in camouflage, and carrying an assault rifle. He is wearing sun glasses, and has a piece of tape over his badge number.
Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family
More Cops Gone Wild
Even More Reporters getting arrested filming cops! Part 3 You got to see these clips!
Sociopaths are taking command in all areas
This contains inappropriate language. Do not watch if this offends you:
Col. Ralph Peters – “Kill Em All”.
How does a sociopath get to be a Colonel in the Army? He gets promoted by a sociopathic GENERAL Sociopaths are our leaders now, as they are in every dictatorship. Hail Caesar! How long will it be before have a coliseum for burning, crucifying, and feeding people to lions for amusement?
Grandmother Tasered at Traffic Stop
This was done by a CONSTABLE in Precinct 3 to a 72 year old woman during a TRAFFIC STOP because she didn’t want to sign the ticket. Constable McCain approves it.
Read the story, The constable who stopped her must be quite a MAN.
Call Constable McCain and tell him what you think of a wuss who feels compelled to use a taser against an old lady.
Phone: (512) 854-2100
Fax: (512) 854-2116
First amendment is gone: Journalists arrested
Is Arizona giving a “storm trooper of the month” award?
Video Caught On Tape: cop arrests reporter for filming traffic in Arizona… (hmmm) Beware of traveling in Arizona.
Is Arizona still a part of the United States? Or is this what is happening everywhere now?
Last Pillar of tyranny here now: Thought crime – criminalization of belief in Liberty
UPDATE TO Baptist Pastor Beaten and Tazed  by Border patrol – 11 stitches
Further info:
Story might be on local (Phoenix) late news tonight:
The “straw grabbing” contrivance is now to claim that he blocked traffic. The jack boots chose to block traffic by illegally detaining a law abiding citizen. Anderson just wanted to leave, but he was not allowed to do so.
First they tortured him for refusing to answer questions. THEN they told him that he had the right to remain silent. How can there be a duty to answer questions if there is a right to remain silent?
His rights did not just appear when they advised him of them. HE ALREADY KNEW that he had the right to remain silent, and he did so.
They claimed that a DOG gave them “probable cause”, and then they claimed that “probable cause” gave them the right to search. “Probable cause” is not the right to search. “Probable cause” is the right to ASK a judge for a search warrant:
Amendment IV – Search and seizure.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
How can law enforcement uphold the law if they violate the laws to govern law enforcement?
The names of the jack booted thugs are in the video. Where are they now?
Real terrorists and smugglers (of either illegal aliens or contraband) know where these “check points” are, and take another route. The only real effect of these “check points” is to condition the American people to accepting the standard practices of tyranny, and to destroy the Bill of Rights. A law that violates the constitution has no authority as much as if it never existed.
Why is this happening?
Watch the “training” of your police, by your federal government:
Feds Slander Christians, founding fathers and homeschoolers as terrorists.
Federal government training seminar says founding fathers, Christians and homeschoolers are terrorists.
The lecturer identifies George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers as “terrorists”.
Sit in on an actual FEMA Gestapo training class:
We might want to contact the Arizona Hospitality Authority and let them know what is happening in their state. They should be quite concerned that the “law enforcement” activities will most certainly curtail travel and tourism.
in the lower right side, select “tourism and hospitality”.
For updates visit:
This is a PATTERN, not an isolated incident:
Video Caught On Tape: cop arrests reporter for filming traffic in Arizona… (hmmm) Beware of traveling in Arizona.
Is Arizona still a part of the United States? Or is this what is happening everywhere now? Is Arizona giving a “storm trooper of the month” award?
Ron Paul Campaign For Liberty worker detained at Missouri Airport

Abusive Border Patrol Agents w/ Nun Chucks at NM Checkpoint
You will notice that one jack boot refers to the expectation that he will honor his oath to “support and defend the constitution” as “playing a little game.” This is NOT “playing a little game.” This is respecting the law, as law enforcement should.
OHP Trooper Charged With Assault
(With embedded link to The New American)
Written by William F. Jasper
Is it time?
Billy Vegas – The Militarization of Our Police
The Militarization of Our Police
a somewhat humerous discussion of a serious subject
Public Servants or The Largest Street Gang in America?
The Largest Street Gang in America – Part 1
The Largest Street Gang in America – Part 2
The Largest Street Gang in America – Part 3
The Largest Street Gang in America – Part 4
The Largest Street Gang in America – Part 5
The Largest Street Gang in America – Part 6
So exactly what do you do?

Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery at certainty.” John Perna

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The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they?

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November 7th, 2010

John Perna
