Alan Keyes in Jail
Dr. Alan Keyes in Jail; Over 20 Anti-Abortion Activists Arrested at Notre Dame
SOUTH BEND, Ind., May 8 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The following is being issued by Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue:
Former U.S. Ambassador and Presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes is currently in jail; along with over 20 anti-abortion activists.
They were arrested at Notre Dame for peacefully, quietly, walking on campus with baby carriages carrying dolls covered with stage blood.
Randall Terry, leader of the campaign, states:
"Notre Dame arrests Christians who defend babies, and honors a man who kills them. This is an open wound in the Church. The question is this: Will a Catholic Bishop step up and demand this betrayal of the Faith be brought to a halt?"
Video of arrests: A YouTube video will be posted soon of the arrests. Please keep checking at
For interviews, contact: 904-687-9804
SOURCE Randall Terry, Founder, Operation Rescue
Abortion, the American Holocaust (Paperback) by Kent Kelly