Congress is the Key

One Sample Letter to a bailed out BIG BANKSTER

Dear GREAT BIG BANKSTER (you know which ones):
Please consider my debt to you paid in full, as we taxpayers have been forced (just as surely as a gun had been held to our heads) to pay for your bad business practices.  Our Congress assisted in this theft of the American Taxpayer, because they belong to you.  The Congressmen who received campaign contributions from you (or your executives) were asked to vote on the huge bail out that was paid to your company.  Why don't you ask your CEO or executives with the GREAT BIG BONUS to pay off my debt. I, and my children, and grandchildren, will  be paying taxes for the next century to restore the money that you stole with the help of your highly funded friends in congress.
The amount of money that was handed over to you BIG BANKSTERS was enough to give every adult citizen one million dollars. If your highly funded friends in congress had given every adult citizen one million dollars we would have all paid our debts, and our economy would have been better off. You would have gotten the money anyway, but you would not still be claiming that we owed you.
Never been more sincere,
Your Customer Who Manages a Business Better Than You

Post Metadata

February 16th, 2009

John Perna
