Congress is the Key

Real Truth About “Fake News”

How do we recognize “fake news”?
It is exciting that Clinton and Obama are now opposed to “fake news”.
We are thankful to these propagandists for giving us such an excellent term to describe what they have been doing for decades.
Even though it is clear that this campaign against “fake news” was designed to intimidate those who expose the real truth about the corrupt cabal of power elites, this campaign is having the opposite effect.
It is marvelous that the attention of the people has now been focused on the concept of “fake news”.
It appears as though the mainstream media; which is the greatest perpetrator of fake news, has assumed that they would be immune from the investigation and judgment that they have created.

Even though it is also clear that this campaign against “fake news”  is ALREADY being used to justify censorship, those who perpetrate this censorship are losing their market share. 

Those who perpetrate censorship are creating their own competitors, as the people seek alternatives to the censored media.
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media pollsters told us that all of the polls showed that Hillary would definitely win?
Is this not enough to show us the mainstream media does not tell us the truth?
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media told us that Benghazi was a spontaneous riot caused by an anti-Muslim video?
Will we now be told how these “spontaneous rioters” just happened to have sophisticated military weapons? 
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media created a war in Iraq by telling us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction?
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media created the war in Viet Nam by making false reports concerning the Gulf of Tonkin incident?

Is the mainstream media giving us “fake news”, at this moment, to try to get us into a war with Russia, and to install censorship of the media, by making false reports concerning the hacking?

Passed into law already and signed on Christmas Eve:

S.2943 — National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017

2017 NDAA: Obama Signs “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act”

The Thought Police, and the end of free speech.

Another war about to be  perpetrated by fake news:
The lame duck congress is about to shut down the free media on the internet. They have given the FCC power to shut down those who are telling us the truth. Will those who do not spout New World Order propaganda now be accused of being Russian agents? The propagandist media is trying to get us into a war with Russia, and they are doing it with FAKE NEWS. The FAKE NEWS is that Russia interfered with our election. Who tampered with the election? Hint: The CIA is not the Russians.
Watch out for a false flag cataclysm such as a power grid take down, an act of terrorism, or a military attack. Obama has already done all that he could do to provoke the Russians, but as of this moment the Russians have not taken the bait. Why should the Russians hastily fall into a trap set by Obama?  Obama is soon to be in the dust bin of history, if not in jail with Hillary.
Phone Your Representative at 202 225 3121
Phone Your Senators             at 202 224 3121
DEMAND that we have no war with Russia.
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media told us that Vince Foster committed suicide, by shooting himself, and then walked to the park after he had stopped bleeding?
Does the fact that Clinton and Obama are now opposed to “fake news mean that we will now get the full truth about the 46 murders, or mysterious deaths, of people who became a danger to the Clintons?
For more information do a search on the term “CLINTON BODY-COUNT”, 
but do it quickly before this information is censored.

Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media gave us the Global warming hoax to justify new taxes for the United Nations?

Or will we be told that Weather Channel co-founder John Coleman, Ecologist Patrick Moore, and thousands of other scientists and meteorologists are the ones who are creating “fake news”?
Will the media now reveal the easily provable scientific fact that without carbon dioxide, all life on Earth would cease to exist?
Will the media now, at least admit, what any high school student has learned about the concept of photosynthesis?
It is an easily provable scientific fact that plants would die without carbon dioxide, as surely as animals would die without oxygen.
 Humans; and all other animals, would die without plants.
We would not die because there was no food.
We would die much sooner than that,
because there would be no oxygen.
Carbon dioxide is what plants use to produce oxygen.
Carbon dioxide is not pollution.
Carbon dioxide is vital part of the cycle of life for both plants and animals. 
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media told us that the melting of ice was going to make the oceans rise and flood all of the sea coasts?
It is an easily provable scientific fact that the volume of water that is dispaced by floating ice is exactly equal to the volume of water that will be produced if the ice melts.  
If every iceberg IN THE WORLD were to melt, the level of the ocean would not go up by one millimeter.
Without regard to the Freedom of Speech The Attorney General said that she would “prosecute” climate change “deniers”. Those who present truth use facts and evidence. It is only those who perpetrate falsehood who must resort to making threats. For more information search on the logical fallacy called “ad baculum”.

Warm-mongers have been totally debunked.

The “Global Warming? Cooling?” Issue of The New American Magazine. (12-08-1997)

Will the media now admit that the goal of the “Cap and Trade” carbon tax was to extort money from the productive enterprises, and use it to fund the creation of a one world global socialist tyranny under the United Nations?


A magnificent collection of articles showing the outlandish errors of the Global Warming Hoax.
For more details visit:
Here was one Global Warming prediction:

“The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at
Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north,are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.”

By the way,
this report was from

November 2, 1922,
as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post.
The Global Warming Hoax Issue of The New American Magazine. Jan 5, 2015 (Single Issue Magazine)
Does the fact that Clinton and Obama are now opposed to “fake news mean that we will no longer get “fake news” about vaccines causing autism?
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media gave us false warnings that we were about to have a Swine flu epidemic,
as a means of justifying forced vaccinations?
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media told us that we were about to have a Ebola epidemic?
Does the fact that Clinton and Obama are now opposed to “fake news now mean that we will no longer get “fake news” about the IRS targeting of conservatives?
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Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media told us that the IRS “lost” two years of emails, while requiring everyone else to keep perfect records? Are these the same people who claim that they can manage the health care for the whole country?

Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media told us that under Obamacare we would be able to keep our doctor?


Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media told us that THREE buildings at the World Trade Center collapsed, at free fall speed, when only two of them were hit by planes?

Is it “fake news” when Federal government training seminars say that the American founding fathers, Christians and home schoolers are terrorists?

Fed Training Calls Christians and Founding Fathers Terrorists

Does the fact that Clinton and Obama are now opposed to “fake news mean that we will now get the truth about the CIA involvement in drug smuggling, murder for hire, sex slavery, and pedophilia?

Murdering With the CIA Heart Attack Gun

FBI Agents Prepare To Counter CIA Coup Against Trump

Support the CIA?

The government that you over throw, may be your own.


Does the fact that Clinton and Obama are now opposed to “fake news mean that we will now get the truth about the missing 9 Trillion dollars that the Federal Reserve Inspector General  cannot explain?
Was it “fake news” when the mainstream media told us that Obama was born in Hawaii, even though his social security number was issued in Connecticut and belongs to another person who died in Hawaii?
Was it “fake news” when Bill Clinton said
“I did not have sex with that woman”.

They are taking away the 4th Amendment & you might be quiet because you are not dealing drugs.

They are taking away the 5th Amendment & you might be quiet because you are innocent.

They are taking away the 2nd Amendment & you might be quiet because you do not own any guns.

They are taking away the 1st Amendment & if you continue to be quiet you will have no choice but to be continue to be quiet.
Freedom of speech –

Use it or lose it


WARNING: This message has been intercepted and stored by the National Security Agency as part of its unlawful spying program on all Americans. The National Security Agency is the only part of the government that actually LISTENS to you. Do you wish that the government would read the Constitution? Just email it privately to your friends. What we formerly called “freedom of speech” we now call the “right to remain silent.” BUT they will now claim that you DO NOT HAVE the right to remain silent… if THEY are asking the questions.
The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were  told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they?


Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery at certainty.” John Perna

WARNING: This message has been intercepted and stored by the National Security Agency as part of its unlawful spying program on all Americans. The National Security Agency is the only part of the government that actually LISTENS to you. Do you wish that the government would read the Constitution? Just email it privately to your friends. What we formerly called “freedom of speech” we now call the “right to remain silent.” BUT they will now claim that you DO NOT HAVE the right to remain silent… if THEY are asking the questions.

The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they?


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Post Metadata

December 28th, 2016

John Perna
