Vote For What is Really Right. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
Remember what Larry MacDonald said: Congress is the key. WE MUST NOT get suckered in by the CFR news media into focusing all or most of your attention on the presidential contest. We're going to have a bad President either way, but we can elect a Congress that will stand up and say NO to:
- McCain-Kennedy Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
- The NAU
- Further so-called trade agreements that are regional governments in disguise.
Please Vote- And Vote For What You Really know is right.
An election is not a horse race, where you can gain
by predicting the winner.
An election is your chance to tell the government
what you really want.
Do you go to the church that represents your beliefs
or to the one with the most people?
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
All that is necessary for evil to triumph,
is for good people to do nothing.
When good people support evil,
then evil triumphs much more quickly.
You do not become a winner,
because you supported the winner.
You become a winner,
because the winner believes as you believe.
Support what you really believe.
Do not support what you oppose;
because you fear something else.
Voting for evil is throwing your vote away.
Politicians take polls, and at election time,
they always say that they will do,
what the people want them to do.
The people keep telling the politicians the same message:
Every poll and word that the people speak says:
"We want lower taxes and less government" and
"We want the government off of our backs,
and out of our pocket books."
Most people understand that
"lower taxes and less government",
must both come together.
We know that the Politicians are hearing what we say,
because they do such a good job of repeating it back to us…
Power goes back and forth
between Republicans and Democrats,
but government just keeps getting larger and more expensive,
and more oppressive.
On a rare occasion, a "third party" wins.
Interestingly enough,
the "third party" can implement its agenda,
All they need to do,
is show enough support to send a "wake up call"
to the liars;
who think that their "tax and spend" program has no REAL
Let's send them a message.
Visualize world freedom.
We're going to have a bad President with either branch of the Republicratic Party: Part One- John McCain, the Manchurian Candidate?
Watch this video: John McCain in "Missing, Presumed Dead"
The Betrayal of America's Military by John F. McManus
Tom DeLay: John McCain Has Done the Most to Hurt the GOP
(according to Newsweek) when shot down in North Vietnam.
He has never failed to defend any illegal or violent war
in which the US leaders involved the citizens.
McCain has the support of Henry Kissinger (indicted
in Belgium for war crimes), of Joe Lieberman, neocon
rejected by Democrats in Connecticut, and other war profiteers.
The McCain Feingold bill made it possible for
war profiteers to run nonstop swift boat attack ads
… a campaign to help in Bush's illegal installation in the White
McCain approves the Bush tax cuts for the rich which in
combination with the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos
have caused trillions in deficit.
The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline (Paperback) by James Perloff
James Perloff exposes the subversive roots and global designs of the Council on Foreign Relations. Passed off as a think-tank, this group is the "power behind the throne," with hundreds of top-appointed government officials drawn from its ranks. Traces activity from the Wilson to Reagan administrations.
We're going to have a bad President with either branch of the Republicratic Party- Part TWO: The Obama Nation that could come to be.
Obama has Terrorist Ties and Radical Roots
Obama's Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans
Watch the video of Larry Grathwohl, former member of the weather underground. Larry Grathwohl heard this plan to kill 25 Million Americans with his own ears. Coming to a re-education camp near you: Shed those extra pounds through diet and exercise!
Obama was a member of the socialist New Party
Woodrow Wilson described Edward Mandell House as his "alter ego" (his other self).
Edward Mandell House wrote "Philip Dru: Administrator", where he stated that he was working for "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx."
Philip Dru: Administrator:

Video Proof Barack Obama was born in Kenia
This is the manual for taking power through crisis.
(It is ALSO the manual for STOPPING the taking of power through crisis… if patriots read it too)
Each legislative victory results in new demands for even stronger legislation, which is relentlessly pursued by communists and their dupes in parliament – who claim that they are acting in the name of the popular will. The cycle continues until opposition is completely powerless, intimidated, or liquid! dated – and the revolution is a fait accompli." — The New American magazine, July 5, 1999
Jan Kozak explains how the people of Czechoslovakia were manipulated into voting themselves into slavery. Through targeted mass agitation, a free government was transformed into a totalitarian dictatorship — legally! Today more than ever, the revolutionary methods described by Kozak are being targeted against American liberties.
Gaddafi says that Obama is a Muslim – Foreign Donations to the Obama Campaign
Here is another URL for the same video, in case one gets censored:
Chuck Baldwin Speech at JBS 50th Anniversary Celebration