Congress is the Key


Larry McDonald talks on the New World Order during 1983 interview on CNN’s Crossfire

Around May of 1983, approximately 4 months before being shot down in KAL 007, Congressman Larry McDonald took on Pat Buchanan and Council on Foreign Relations member, Tom Braden on Crossfire. They badgered him about his new role as Chairman of the John Birch Society. He easily handled them and answered questions concerning the Elite’s Conspiracy for a One World Government. Some things survive the test of time. It is interesting to consider how many of the assertions; that were ridiculed 1983, have since been proven to be accurate and amazingly perceptive. 

As you watch, reflect on the present situation that we now have. Consider NAFTA, NAU, WTO, FTAA, or such things as going to war on UN resolutions.

Ask yourself this: How many things that were ridiculed 1983, have now been admitted?

Ask yourself this: How many things that were ridiculed 1983, have now been revealed so clearly that they can no longer be denied? 

Congressman Larry McDonald, President of the John Birch Society,  was

the target of the Soviet attack on Korean Airlines Flight 007.

Propagandists will have you to believe that history’s greatest mass murderers

just ACCIDENTALLY killed their most powerful enemy in the world.

The FIRST news reports said that the plane was forced to land on Sakhalin.

Post Metadata

July 4th, 2008

John Perna
