Attention Communists:
We start by saying quite clearly that the “jig is up” – at least here in America.

Your control of our media has been unsuccessful at deceiving enough people to elect your candidates, even though you did a fine job of hiding their ties to Communism.
Your censorship of truth has been widely exposed, and has solidified resistance.
The American people now understand that Oppression of Expression is Confession.
Communist control of our information media has been demonstrated by seeing what happens when freedom loving people try to warn that tyranny is being imposed upon us through frivolous criminal prosecutions, vote fraud, hoaxes, fake news, censorship, blackmail, bribery, rioting, arson and murder.
Your control over our government schools has been largely unsuccessful at indoctrinating our children with your class struggle deception. Most Americans are now dedicated to liberty without regard to race, gender or age.
Color, Communism, and Common Sense
by Manning Johnson

Your promotion of sexual debauchery to children was met with massive resistance, which was not diminished by heavy handed intimidation and oppressive intrusions.
Your control of our courts has been mostly unsuccessful at imprisoning or bankrupting your adversaries.
Where you were successful at imprisoning or bankrupting your adversaries you also created a massive backlash which will last longer and have a greater effect than the temporary effects of these witch hunts. The victims of your witch hunts are now national heroes.

President Trump’s fundraising and support increased exponentially.
The American people understand that only tyrants arrest their political opponents
Russia hoax and Muller investigation failed. Steele dossier failed. Illegal FBI FISA warrants failed. Raid on Mar-A-Lago failed. Two impeachments failed. More than 30 attempts to keep Trump off election ballots failed. Jan 6 Committee failed. Bragg, Garland and Smith failed. Willis failed. James failed.
Trump won anyway! Have you learned anything yet?
While telling us to tone down our rhetoric; calling us deplorable, fascist, Nazi, garbage, Hitler, and evil did not work.
Buying the companies that count our votes only enabled you to steal a few elections.
In most cases the American voters are repairing that now.
And then the puppets that you were able to install were quickly exposed for being the bumbling fools that they are.
Your attempts to kill President Trump did nothing but anger, and wake up, the American people.
If you try that again you will create a mass movement which will crush you into the dust bin of history.
Have forgotten what happened when you killed John Birch? The Donald Trump Society would “hit the ground running” with at least 80 million members. If you do not believe that just check the vote numbers in the last landslide election.
We know that you understand the effect of creating martyrs because you regularly kill your own supporters just to accomplish that.
Yes, many of the terrorists, which you were able to infiltrate into our country are still here, but they will soon be arrested, imprisoned or deported. Our border security, which was destroyed by Cackling Comrade Commie La will soon be repaired.
Your attempts to disarm us resulted in a massive stockpiling of guns and ammo.
As all dictators know this will make creating tyranny very dangerous.

The terrorists, which you were able to infiltrate into our country, will also learn that it is quite difficult to subdue an armed population.
Your lower echelon idealistic supporters are becoming disillusioned.
Communism was originally presented as a way of bringing about LESS government. The Communist Manifesto says that Communism will cause the state to “wither away”. After more than a century, people are starting to wonder when the state will begin to “wither away”.
You cannot hide the fact that Communism has murdered over a hundred million people in the last century. Search in the Guiness Book of World Records under “mass killings”. 66 million people murdered in China alone. 20 million people murdered in Russia. ONE FOURTH of the population of Cambodia murdered. Similar murders in every other country where Communists took power.
What is happening in America now, has happened in many other places, and has been explained in the Communists own training manuals:
And Not a Shot Is Fired by Jan Kozak
And Not a Shot is Fired by Jan Kozak
The censorship, boycotting, frivolous malicious prosecutions and ridicule of those who oppose Communism is described in And Not a Shot Is Fired as “isolating the Bourgeoisie”.
Freedom loving people are resisting “isolating the Bourgeoisie” by supporting those who are targeted by the Communists and their dupes.
Yes, please tell us who you want us to boycott.
That is where the majority of the people will shop.
The Aftermath
Radicals young and radicals old.
You are true to your cause. This I’ve been told.
But when the revolution is done,
and the revolution is gone,
Then tell me, which side will you be on?
You who are trained to fight for your rights,
Will the NEW “establishment” be pleased with your sight?
Is the peace that you speak of inside of a grave?
Will the cemetery be the new home of the brave?
Will you be the tools, quickly worn out?
Will you be the cannon fodder they could not do without?
Will you be the sheep, led to the slaughter?
Will you be the Lemmings that ran into the water?
Do you believe in freedom of speech?
Do your leaders ’round the world practice what you preach?
Do you believe in freedom of the press?
Or does that detract from what you call progress?
Will we all be equal when no one has rights?
When there is nothing left to conquer
will there be no more fights?
Will you be the tools, quickly worn out?
Will you be the cannon fodder they could not do without?
Will you be the sheep, led to the slaughter?
Will you be the Lemmings that ran into the water?
-John Perna
Communist revolutionaries are like turkeys looking forward to Thanksgiving.
No man escapes when freedom fails.
The best men rot in filthy jails.
And those who cried Appease! Appease!
Are hanged by men they tried to please.
History Lesson for Future Tyrants
The elite criminals of today should watch the news reels of what happened to the elite criminals of other times. The NUREMBERG trials are just one example. The tyrant can be a peacock in one year, and then be a feather duster in the next year.
These elite thugs are just a small sampling of the criminals who have met with the ultimate justice. Their names are not even as well known as other names like Benito Mussolini, Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein.
These elite thugs were the lucky ones. They got a trial and a humane death. Often these thugs are captured by enraged mobs and die horribly.
“We were just obeying orders”
was the common excuse at Nuremberg.
How did that work?
This video will help to refresh our memories.
A message to those who are “Just obeying orders”:
Of course the elite tyrants also need storm troopers and lawyers while they are accumulating power.
They kill them later.
Whoever the tyrant lets survive, meets justice after the tyrant falls.
Watch the Nuremberg trial footage.
At Nuremberg it was necessary to painstakingly recover the evidence. This time we are keeping records and duplicating and storing those records. Much of what has happened to these lower echelon criminals is too graphic for youtube. This is one very mild video. Also watch Nuremberg trial footage.
Videos of those thugs; who “were just obeying orders”, are abundant. Watching them crying, begging for their lives, and then finally laid out on slabs is a small reward to their victims, or to the families of their victims.
Whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he also reap.
If you are in fear of being ordered to commit these types of crimes get organized.
If you are saying “It can’t happen here”
Watch the rest of the videos on this channel:
Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are, we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.
The day that government tries to disarm the people is the last good chance to resist.” John Perna
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