General Flynn’s Emergency Message To America

General Flynn presents clear evidence of widespread election fraud. Our ballots were not even counted in America. Our ballots were counted in Germany, and in Spain, by a company owned by supporters of communism.
This is not just about this one stolen election. This is about the future of liberty worldwide. If we do not stop the total corruption and destruction of the America republic, liberty will end worldwide, and the entire world will enter into a another era identical to what is now referred to as the “Dark Ages”.
Here is our dilemma:
Every SINGLE Deep State, fake news, media source is telling the same lies.
The average intellect is concluding that these lies must be true, just because they have heard them so many times, from what appears to be many different sources. Our media is controlled by six corporations that are all controlled by New World Order globalists. What is called the “main stream media” is pure propaganda and fake news. What is called the “alternative media” is the only media that still exists.
Do not be surprised if this very video is censored by the Deep State controlled media. This video is placed here with an expectation that it will be censored by the Deep State controlled media.
We did not have an election. We had a charade that was supposed to appear to be an election. America must not be a corrupt third world banana republic.
President Trump won this election by a landslide. If the criminal Deep State tries to steal this election they will cause a civil war.
The desperate audaciousness of the criminal deep state is inconceivable until we understand that for these criminals this is a matter of life and death. These criminals have been above the law for their entire lives. They have run out of tactics for delaying their prosecution. The “Russian Collusion” hoax did not work. The totally baseless impeachment scam did not work. The Covid-19 hoax did not work. The George Floyd martyr diversion did not work. Now the only thing that they have left is to steal the landslide re-election using every tactic that they have.
The fake news media is calling easily provable facts “false claims”. At the same time the fake news media is flooding the country with blatant lies. Large numbers of people honestly believe that Biden won the election, and that Trump is a usurper for trying to stop this Coup D’etat.
What is being called “fact checkers” should actually be called TRUTH CONCEALERS.
The Democratic Party, the American media, the major corporations, social media, and many colleges are now owned by Communist China.
We have the best politicians that money can buy.
Anyone who would sellout his country to Communists is a traitor, and should be on the next plane to Gitmo.
Communists own our election tabulation system.
The electoral college will vote on December 14, 2020.
Unless the people wake up and take action NOW Communist China will be running the American government.
What is happening in America now, has happened in many other places, and has been explained in the Communists own training manuals:
And Not a Shot Is Fired by Jan Kozak
The Current Communist Attack on America
The Unseen Hand: by A. Ralph Epperson

ACTION ALERT! Congress must challenge and reject the electoral votes of disputed states when it counts and certifies the Electoral College on January 6, 2021.
Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are, we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.
The day that government tries to disarm the people is the last good chance to resist.” John Perna
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