PLANDEMIC – Dr. Judy Mikovits on Preventing the Extinction of Mankind

Dr. Judy Mikovits is risking her life to save your life. Down load this video now before it is censored AGAIN. Multiple URLs are provided because the criminals who control The Deep State are certain to continue attempting to stop the exposure of this information: still processing ALREADY CENSORED ALREADY CENSORED ALREADY CENSORED working
Down load, Down load, Down load, Down load, Down load.
I have never seen a more fervent campaign to censor anything.
For the criminals who control The Deep State it is a matter of life or death to stop this information from being known.
For the REST OF MANKIND it is a matter of life or death to MAKE SURE THAT this information is known.
Distribute this to everyone that you know!
Who is behind this censorship?
Click here:
Dear THOUGHT POLICE and other enemies of truth and free speech:
Before you remove this video, please consider this:
The world is watching you. Your efforts to stifle this information validates this information.
Oppression of expression is CONFESSION.
No one would fear this information it there was any way to refute it.
We understand the pressure you are under to censor any information that contradicts the false propaganda of The Deep State. We know the risk that comes with defying the orders of the criminals who control The Deep State.
We realize that even the biggest of tech giants are under the control of powerful forces which wield the ability to destroy their empires with the click of a key. But due to the critical condition of our world, I was just doing my job is no longer an acceptable excuse. You will be destroying your own freedom at the same time that you destroy ours.
History Lesson for Future Tyrants
The elite criminals of today should watch the news reels of what happened to the elite criminals of other times. The NUREMBERG trials are just one example. The tyrant can be a peacock in one year, and then be a feather duster in the next year.
These elite thugs are just a small sampling of the criminals who have met with the ultimate justice. Their names are not even as well known as other names like Benito Mussolini, Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein.
These elite thugs were the lucky ones. They got a trial and a humane death. Often these thugs are captured by enraged mobs and die horribly.
We were just obeying orders
was the common excuse at Nuremberg.
How did that work?
This video will help to refresh our memories.
A message to those who are “Just obeying orders”:
Of course the elite tyrants also need storm troopers and lawyers while they are accumulating power.
They kill them later.
Whoever the tyrant lets survive, meets justice after the tyrant falls.
Watch the Nuremberg trial footage.
At Nuremberg it was necessary to painstakingly recover the evidence. This time we are keeping records and duplicating and storing those records. Much of what has happened to these lower echelon criminals is too graphic for the internet. This is one very mild video. Also watch Nuremberg trial footage.
Videos of those thugs; who “were just obeying orders”, are abundant. Watching them crying, begging for their lives, and then finally laid out on slabs is a small reward to their victims, or to the families of their victims.
Whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he also reap.
If you are in fear of being ordered to commit these types of crimes investigate Oath Keepers and get organized.
If you are saying “It can’t happen here”
Watch the rest of the videos on this channel.
No one can refute the hard scientific evidence that has been presented by Dr. Shiva, Dr. Rashid Buttar, and Dr. Judy Mikovits. There have been a few feeble attempts to respond to Dr. Judy Mikovits. None of these attacks address the hard scientific evidence. The primary approach seems to be the ad hominum – shifting the discussion from the message to the messenger. Those who argue for truth are able to use facts and evidence. It is only those who argue fiction who must resort to name calling, ridicule, insults, innuendo, and shifting the discussion from the message to the messenger.
When we see this type of childish foolishness our only question is whether it is coming from an idiot or a liar. If the presenter has credentials which rule out being an idiot then we must conclude that he is a liar.

This is no time to play politics. Our future is your future and your familys future. Your childrens future. Your grandchildrens future. This is a plea to the human in you. Preventing this information from reaching the people is taking a firm stance on the wrong side of history. This would be a choice you will certainly live to regret as the truth exponentially emerges. There is nothing that any billionaire, any politician, any media, or any level of censorship that can do to slow this awakening. It is here. It is happening. Whos side are you on?
And to the citizens of this magnificent planet:
If anything is clear at this moment, it is the fact that no one is coming to save us. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Though great forces have worked long and hard to divide us, our resilience, strength, and intelligence has been gravely underestimated. Now is the time to put all our differences aside. United we stand. Divided we fall.
Be brave. Share this video far and wide! Should this video be removed from this platform, download your own copy at:
Then, upload directly to all of your favorite platforms. You have full permission to spread this information without limitation.
Creating Crisis to Justify Building Tyranny
Copy and paste this:
Multiple URLs are provided due to rampant censorship. If clicking on a URL sends you to a different page, use copy and paste to provide the correct URL.
Vaccination: The Excuse For Tyranny Mark Of The Beast IS HERE NOW
Rahm Emanuel said
Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste.
What he means is:
Use crisis to build tyranny.
Multiple URLs are provided due to rampant censorship. If clicking on a URL sends you to a different page, use copy and paste to provide the correct URL.
This is what happened at the Bundy Ranch when the Feds tried to bully one rancher and his family.
Now we are told that they are planning to force us all to take a vaccine that they have not yet tested. This is in place of curing COVID-19 in less than 6 days with $20 worth of Hydroxy chloroquine. Hydroxy chloroquine has been in use for 70 years, and its effects are well known.
But the FDA now says that you can only get Hydroxy chloroquine if you are already in a hospital.
Delaying treatment of COVID-19 will result in permanent lung damage which will not heal when the patient is finally cured.
They are planning to set up road blocks and check points and to deport people to camps if they refuse to be vaccinated with a vaccine that has no history of testing.
This video of what happened at the Bundy Ranch will show us what can be done at those road blocks and check points.
Full credit for bringing this information is given to Infowars and Prison Planet.
Infowars and Prison Planet have now been censored from the internet.
The Fake News Media has labeled those who publish the truth as the “alternative media”.
What is called “main stream media” has become nothing except Fake News and pure propaganda.
If You Download Dr. Rashid Buttar’s video Now Before It Is Censored You Will Save Lives– Maybe Your Own
Once Dr. Rashid Buttar’s video has broken past the censorship of the Deep State controlled media they will know that killing Dr. Rashid Buttar will only increase the interest in the information that is here.
Downloading Dr. Rashid Buttar’s video, and sharing it, could save Dr. Rashid Buttar’s life.
Understanding this could save your own life.
Creating widespread understanding of this could save the whole human race.
Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
Multiple URLs are important with the level of censorship that is now rampant.
This is a matter of life and death.
This is also uploaded to bitchute:
Dr. Buttar’s own web page is the ultimate backup:
Being fired is the nicest thing that could happen to Fauci.
Fauci should be prosecuted as a criminal.
This video has bleeped out the terms that will cause it to be censored by the Deep State controlled media, including you tube .
If you listen to the context you will be able to know what was bleeped out.
It will include terms such as 5 and G.
It should be obvious that Dr. Rashid Buttar and Dr. Judy Mikovits are risking their lives to tell us this truth.
Why are we crashing our economy and destroying the Bill of Rights when there is a cure for COVID-19 that costs $20.00 and takes less than 6 days?
China Today – You Tomorrow If You Do Not Act
The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope by Sheriff Richard Mack
Are You a David? by Sheriff Richard Mack
Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.
The day that government tries to disarm the people is the last good chance to resist.” John Perna
WARNING: This message has been intercepted and stored by the National Security Agency as part of its unlawful spying program on all Americans. The National Security Agency is the only part of the government that actually LISTENS to you. Do you wish that the government would read the Constitution? Just email it privately to your friends. What we formerly called “freedom of speech” we now call the “right to remain silent.” BUT they will now claim that you DO NOT HAVE the right to remain silent… if THEY are asking the questions.
The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they?
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