Congress is the Key

The Plot to Steal America

Absolutely must see video. A superb, concise summary of the past year 2020, of the treachery, subversion, and infamy which America has endured, and a clarion call to action to fight for freedom, our families, and our Republic against its enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Analysis of Vote Fraud:

Who is Stealing America?

NOTHING DEMONSTRATES THE TRUTH OF THESE VIDEOS BETTER THAN SEEING THE LIARS RESPOND AS PREDICTED. Directly watch the Communist control of your information. Try posting this and see what happens. Try passing this on and watch the censorship.

The “fact checkers” are liars.

The “fact checkers” are fact WRECKERS.

The “fact checkers” are propaganda commissars.

You might see a message that is somewhat similar to this:

If a group repeatedly shares, what Communists call “false news”, The Thought Police may push all of that group’s content down in News Feed, which may mean fewer people visit the group. The Thought Police may also stop suggesting that people join the group.

Yes, the social media lords are not sorry that they are blocking all of the truthful information that we post to stop the destruction of liberty. They will be very sorry when they lose their own liberty. The money that the Deep State can pay out to them now will not seem to be of much value if we are all starving in a slave labor camp.

And yes, they will be there with the rest of us.

The traitors who helped to put us all into slavery will not be very safe when they are living among their victims who tried to defend liberty.

It is not possible to read comments on social media without realizing that the Deep State has robotics and sock puppets to create the appearance of a consensus for all sorts of things that are not true.

It is not possible to read what the so called “fact checkers” say without realizing that the Deep State has robotics and sock puppets to create the appearance that nothing that threatens the Chinese Communist takeover of America is true.

The audacity of the fake news media is beyond belief. The continuous diatribe is that there is no evidence of vote fraud.

This is a matter of life and death for these criminals who have been above the law for their entire life times. There is nothing that they will not do to stop Trump.

The “fact checkers” are truth concealers.

Here is a message that appeared in facebook:

In the last 90 days, Facebook removed several posts from your group because they went against our Community Standards. We’ve turned on post approval for your group, which means an admin or moderator must approve posts until Jan 4.

“Community Standards” might also be called Communist Standards.

Translation: Do not try to warn freedom loving people that tyranny is being imposed upon them through vote fraud, hoaxes, fake news, censorship, blackmail, bribery, rioting, arson and murder.

Most importantly do not reveal the fact that pallets of ballots, all marked for Biden, were delivered to polling places after the polls had closed. Do not reveal the fact that Republican poll watchers were prevented from seeing these ballots or from observing the “counting” of these ballots. Do not mention the fact that all photo recording was prohibited and that windows were blocked. Of course we are all supposed to believe that this how people who have nothing to hide behave.

President Trump has the Constitutional DUTY to guarantee honest federal elections to the States; and that he has the constitutional & statutory authority to call up the Militia to carry out his Duty.

Revenge Of The Kraken!

Lenin said:

“When the time comes for us to hang the capitalists, they will compete with each other over the profits of selling us the rope.”

The reality of our time was once articulated by Sir John Harington when he said:

“Treason doth never prosper, what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason.”

In our time Communist China is who makes treason prosperous. Communist China is the largest criminal organization that the world has ever faced. There is practically unlimited finances gained from drug dealing, copyright violation, slave labor, human trafficking, prostitution, organ harvesting and many other crimes. They have enough money to buy practically anything, or anyone, that can be bought. It is particularly amusing to see that the Communists are buying ads on the monetized videos that are exposing them.

The Democratic Party, the American media, many major corporations, social media and many colleges are now controlled by Communist China.

We have the best politicians that money can buy.

Anyone who would sellout his country to Communists is a traitor, and should be on the next plane to Gitmo.

Communists own our election tabulation system.

Unless the people wake up and take action NOW Communist China will be running the American government. If Biden goes into the White House Communist Chinese soldiers will be in our streets.

COVID-19 is a germ warfare attack on America. In warfare it is a standard goal and tactic to cripple the  industries of your enemy and destroy his economy.

Sun Tzu said “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

If this fraud is not reversed, and punished, America will not be a free country.

What is happening in America now, has happened  in many other places, and has been explained in the Communists own training manuals:

And Not a Shot Is Fired by Jan Kozak

And Not a Shot is Fired” by Jan Kozak is the text book for taking power through crisis.

This is also the manual for STOPPING governments from the taking of power through crisis, if the freedom loving people will read it. Totalitarians gain power through techniques that have been developed over the entire history of mankind. Most of these techniques have been written down in various “training manuals” for would be dictators.

ACTION ALERT! Congress must challenge and reject the electoral votes of disputed states when it counts and certifies the Electoral College on January 6, 2021.

Contact President Trump

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

We add this:

“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.

The battle for liberty always continues.

It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.

No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.

No matter how free we are, we are never safe.


Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.

The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.

When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.

The day that government tries to disarm the people is the last good chance to resist.” John Perna


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John Perna

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Post Metadata

December 24th, 2020

John Perna

