Tyrants Arrest Political Opponents

Did you think that this could never happen in America?
All of our lives we have heard about tyrants who use the force of government to oppress their political opponents.
We have heard about tyrants who arrest peaceful protesters who are critical of their regimes.
We have always said that those things could not happen here, in America.
During Hitler’s rise to power many Germans said that those things could not happen there, in Germany.
During Stalin’s rise to power many Russians said that those things could not happen there, in Russia.
During Mao’s rise to power many Chinese said that those things could not happen in China.
Apparently all of these were wrong.

Trump Card – video by Dinesh D’Souza
Trump’s New Ad Just Broke The Internet
What will happen if we allow these atrocities to continue?
History is quite clear.
This is a very old story. Search in the Guiness Book of World Records under “mass killings”.
If a tyrant can successfully oppress political opponents the next step will always be concentration camps and mass executions.
The travesty that we are now witnessing is done on behalf of Joe Biden’s Department of “Justice”.
This is more than just the over throw of the rule of law.
This is a test of the American people.
This travesty is a way to determine whether or not the American people are ready to accept tyranny.
The more ridiculous the travesty is, the better is the test.
Arresting a PRESIDENT, on false charges, even after the statute of limitations has run out, is the ultimate travesty.
Digging up a seven year old assertion that has already been discarded by every respectable authority does nothing other than demonstrate the audacity of the criminals who stole our last election.
These criminals are not satisfied with just stealing elections. They want to take total control and to destroy all opponents. They want permanent one-party rule. The fact that they have used the Department of “Justice” and the FBI to get what they want is a clear demonstration of the tyranny that they seek.

What we are witnessing is election interference in the highest order. This is so ludicrous that it would be funny if it were the script of a comedy, but it is actually happening. This frivolous travesty is actually building more support for Trump. Anyone who understands what we are seeing will vote for Trump even if he is convicted after such a foul attack has been used against him. This gives new meaning to the phrase “running on your record”.
This looks like the end of freedom and justice.
Let’s SALVAGE what is LEFT of America, and then make America great again.

Here is a satire on a very serious matter:
The FBI Being Honest about Trump’s Indictment
A parody by JP Sears. It would be more funny if it was not true.
Most of us thought that George Orwell’s book, called “1984”, was just a fictional fantasy. Now that we see the actual creation of “Thought Police” and a “Ministry of Truth” it becomes clear that “1984” was a real warning about a plan that actually exists. George Orwell was a pen name for Eric Blair. Eric Blair was a defector from the Fabian Socialist Society. When The Fabian Socialist Society was founded in 1884 they predicted that they would implement their plan in 100 years. They are late but they are getting close.
A Rigged Prosecution to Rig another Election:
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, “What a sad day for America. And what a blow to the rule of law and our republican form of government. Today, President Trump and the American people were abused and victimized by New York Democrat politician Alvin Bragg, who abused his office to try to jail a man he must know to be innocent.”
This is an indictment about nothing, based on non-existent crimes and politics. It is a rigged prosecution to rig an election. The courts must stop this malicious prosecution before the nation is irreparably damaged.
He added, “Congress must immediately investigate Bragg’s election interference and his political attack on Trump’s civil rights. Judicial Watch has already launched a series of Freedom of Information Act inquiries into this unprecedented attack on the American way.”
Here is some real irony. While one kangaroo court tries to railroad Trump there is an honest Court that Orders Stormy Daniels to PAY Trump $121,962.56 in Attorney Fees:
Allen West on The Right to Rule:
How and why liberty will prevail
“Banana Republic” is the derogatory term for a country where corrupt politicians use government force to oppress opponents. We now have the American Banana Republic.

What can the American people do?
Demand that Legislators, at every level, take action to nullify usurpations, and frivolous malicious prosecutions.
Donald J. Trump – arrested
Trump lawyers – arrested
Steve Bannon – arrested
Peter Navarro – arrested
Rudy Giuliani – arrested
Roger Stone – arrested
James O’ Keefe – raided
The Clintons – 0 jail time
Hunter Biden – 0 jail time
Epstein clients – 0 jail time
DC war criminals – 0 jail time
There are 4 boxes of freedom:
1. The ballot box
2. The soap box (freedom of speech)
3. The jury box
4. The ammo box
The ballot box has already been stolen.
If we had fair elections Trump would now be in the White House, and the criminals who stole our last election would be in jail. This also demonstrates the fact that our judicial system has also been corrupted, because the courts did nothing to stop this coup. The fake news media has steered completely clear of any mention of the easily provable fact that our votes were counted by a company owned by Communists.
The soap box is under attack. Freedom of speech is being destroyed. The Law is now being used to silence “thought crime”.
Censorship- Oppression of Expression is Confession
If someone posts false information anyone can simply refute it using facts and evidence.
It is only truthful information that cannot be refuted with facts and evidence.
Truthful information, which cannot be refuted with facts and evidence, must be censored by those who promote falsehood.
Nothing demonstrates the truth of a message any better than seeing that it is being censored.
Oppression of expression is confession.
How do we know when the truth is being presented?
Facebook blocks it.
Google hides it.
Youtube deletes it.
Government denies it.
The media ignores it.
We hear nothing about it from any of the above, other than to say that it has been “debunked”. No evidence is presented to show how it was allegedly “debunked”.
Bribery, blackmail, intimidation and frivolous malicious prosecutions are now substituted for facts and evidence.
If you want to demonstrate Communist control of our information just try to warn freedom loving people that tyranny is being imposed upon them through frivolous criminal prosecutions, vote fraud, hoaxes, fake news, censorship, blackmail, bribery, rioting, arson and murder.
If you want a list of the domestic traitors, who are selling America out to Communism, just check to see who it is that is censoring this easily provable truth.
The jury box is a real possible remedy to this travesty.
Of course no one can have any communication with any person who has already been selected as a juror. But (for the time being) citizens are still free to communicate with each other. A jury must be drawn from a specific group of registered voters. Our liberty depends on how well the people understand the danger that we face. It does not matter what we think about Trump. Our liberty is what is on trial. Wake up the voters and the jurors.
Informed jurors can also support a constitutional sheriff.
Get a sheriff in your local area, who will stop this!
The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope (Paperback) by Sheriff Richard Mack
The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope (Paperback) by Sheriff Richard Mack

Sheriff Mack’s booklet covers decades of research to prove once and for all that the sheriffs in this country are indeed the ultimate law authority in their respective jurisdictions. The sheriff absolutely has the power and responsibility to defend his citizens against all enemies, including those from our own Federal Government. History, case law, common law and common sense all show clear evidence that the sheriff is the people’s protector in all issues of injustice and is responsible for keeping the peace in all matters. He is the last line of defense for his constituents; he is America’s last hope to regain our forgotten freedom. This short but powerful book is a must read for all citizens, sheriffs, and government officials that we may all work to return America to the constitutional republic she was meant to be. Amazing as it might be, the sheriff can make this happen!
The Proper Role Of Law Enforcement

What every citizen should know. What every cop should believe. “To serve and protect” – This time-honored mission statement of American law enforcement is steadily giving way in police departments all across the nation to an ethos of intimidation, military-style siege, and disdain for citizens’ rights. Richard Mack – the man who as sheriff of a rural Arizona county fought the Brady Bill gun-control law all the way to the Supreme Court and won – gives us an insider’s glimpse into the pervasive forces that are relentlessly driving America towards a police state. In almost confessional style, he recounts how he came to realize, while working as a beat cop, how wrong the all-too-common orientation of police officers is when they think of their job as being “to write tickets and arrest people.” Richard Mack tells of his personal transformation from “by-the-numbers” cop to constitution-conscious defender of citizens’ rights and freedoms. This book is a wake-up call for all law-enforcement officers. It is a must-read for every man and woman wearing a badge. If you have a friend or relative in law enforcement, make sure you get a copy into their hands. You’ll be shocked to learn just how far American law enforcement has strayed from its mission.
But look at things now. Now here are the most important questions of all: Why are the media sources, that we depend on, not addressing these questions? Are the media sources, that we depend on, idiots? OR Are the media sources, that we depend on, liars who think that WE are idiots?At the same time are we not now faced with the possibility of massive vote fraud? Is there any other explanation for the push for voting by mail?Voting by mail IS VERY easy to corrupt. Why have Democrats spent years, and wasted millions of taxpayer dollars, and wasted millions of dollars from their accomplices? Is it possible to take power in a just and honest Republic by continuously displaying dishonesty in such an endless sequence of desperate dirty tricks? Democrats did all of this damage to life, liberty and property in an attempt to TAKE power, after losing the election, and now we see what they do now that they are IN power! What else could they do to demonstrate the fact that they have no regard for the rule of law, or anything else that respects the political process? Why would anyone actually vote for them?
The ammo box is also under attack. Every tyrant seeks to disarm the people. Attempts to disarm the people should be recognized as a step into tyranny. We all pray that liberty can be preserved peacefully, but history shows us that this is not always possible.

What is happening in America now, has happened in many other places, and has been explained in the Communists own training manuals:
And Not a Shot Is Fired by Jan Kozak
And Not a Shot is Fired by Jan Kozak

The censorship, boycotting, frivolous malicious prosecutions and ridicule of those who oppose Communism is described in And Not a Shot Is Fired as “isolating the Bourgeoisie”. Freedom loving people can resist “isolating the Bourgeoisie” by supporting those who are targeted by the Communists and their dupes.
The Aftermath
Radicals young and radicals old.
You are true to your cause. This I’ve been told.
But when the revolution is done,
and the revolution is gone,
Then tell me, which side will you be on?
You who are trained to fight for your rights,
Will the NEW “establishment” be a pleased with your sight?
Is the peace that you speak of inside of a grave?
Will the cemetery be the new home of the brave?
Will you be the tools, quickly worn out?
Will you be the cannon fodder they could not do without?
Will you be the sheep, led to the slaughter?
Will you be the Lemmings that ran into the water?
Do you believe in freedom of speech?
Do your leaders ’round the world practice what you preach?
Do you believe in freedom of the press?
Or does that detract from what you call progress?
Will we all be equal when no one has rights?
When there is nothing left to conquer
will there be no more fights?
Will you be the tools, quickly worn out?
Will you be the cannon fodder they could not do without?
Will you be the sheep, led to the slaughter?
Will you be the Lemmings that ran into the water?
-John Perna
No man escapes when freedom fails.
The best men rot in filthy jails.
And those who cried Appease! Appease!
Are hanged by men they tried to please.
History Lesson for Future Tyrants
The elite criminals of today should watch the news reels of what happened to the elite criminals of other times. The NUREMBERG trials are just one example. The tyrant can be a peacock in one year, and then be a feather duster in the next year.
These elite thugs are just a small sampling of the criminals who have met with the ultimate justice. Their names are not even as well known as other names like Benito Mussolini, Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein.
These elite thugs were the lucky ones. They got a trial and a humane death. Often these thugs are captured by enraged mobs and die horribly.
“We were just obeying orders”
was the common excuse at Nuremberg.
How did that work?
This video will help to refresh our memories.
A message to those who are “Just obeying orders”:
Of course the elite tyrants also need storm troopers and lawyers while they are accumulating power.
They kill them later.
Whoever the tyrant lets survive, meets justice after the tyrant falls.
Watch the Nuremberg trial footage.
At Nuremberg it was necessary to painstakingly recover the evidence. This time we are keeping records and duplicating and storing those records. Much of what has happened to these lower echelon criminals is too graphic for youtube. This is one very mild video. Also watch Nuremberg trial footage.
Videos of those thugs; who “were just obeying orders”, are abundant. Watching them crying, begging for their lives, and then finally laid out on slabs is a small reward to their victims, or to the families of their victims.
Whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he also reap.
If you are in fear of being ordered to commit these types of crimes get organized.
If you are saying “It can’t happen here”
Watch the rest of the videos on this channel:
Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are, we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.
The day that government tries to disarm the people is the last good chance to resist.” John Perna
Please visit the ultimate resource for defending liberty.
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