How We can Abolish the Income Tax
Dear President Trump:
Here is a “check list” for The Department of Government Efficiency.
After you eliminate the unconstitutional functions of the Federal government you can transfer any competent employees to another job performing constitutional functions.
IRS employees can transfer to the EXTERNAL Revenue Service and start collecting TARIFFS.
They can also put a stop to employers who pay illegal aliens “under the table”.
If illegal aliens could not get a job they would deport themselves.
If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day.
If you deport him you will not have to keep on feeding him for the rest of his life.
How much of the federal government would be left if they only did what they are authorized to do by the Constitution?
The “enumerated powers” are found in Article. I. Section. 8 of the Constitution.
The Tenth Amendment told the federal government, quite clearly, that there were no powers GRANTED in any other areas, other than those 21 “enumerated powers”.
Over the last five decades, there have been 21 federal shutdowns:
1976: Under President Gerald Ford. Lasted for 11 days.
1977: Under President Jimmy Carter. Lasted 12 days.
1977: Under Carter. Lasted eight days.
1977: Under Carter. Lasted eight days.
1978: Under Carter. Lasted 17 days.
1979: Under Carter. Lasted 11 days.
1981: Under President Ronald Reagan. Lasted two days.
1982: Under Reagan. Lasted one day.
1982: Under Reagan. Lasted three days.
1983: Under Reagan. Lasted three days.
1984: Under Reagan. Lasted two days.
1984: Under Reagan. Lasted one day.
1986: Under Reagan. Lasted one day.
1987: Under Reagan. Lasted one day.
1990: Under George H.W. Bush. Lasted four days.
1995: Under President Bill Clinton. Lasted five days.
1996: Under Clinton. Lasted 21 days.
2013: Under President Barack Obama. Lasted 17 days.
2018: Under President Donald Trump. Lasted three days.
2018: Under Trump. Lasted several hours.
2019: Under Trump. Lasted 35 days
When the government did shutdown we saw more and more clearly, how worthless the Federal government really is. Did anyone notice? The Federal government can be shut down, and life goes on. Why not just shut most of it down FOREVER?
The government shut down and it did not make any difference to most of us. That’s why they call it “non-essential.” Maybe we should learn a lesson and fire all of these “non-essential” employees permanently.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have no more federal taxes? It is a good thing that we do not get as much government as the amount for which we pay. The difference between theft and taxation is that when a thief takes your money he does not use it to interfere with your life and business, and you do not have to fill out any forms.
Before 1913 there was no income tax, and no Federal Reserve.
The Federal government was funded completely by tariffs,
since the birth of our nation, up until 1913.
The Federal government had more money than they needed.
A tax on income is a penalty for being productive.
Welfare is a reward for being unproductive.
The income tax, and the Federal Reserve changed a nation of prosperity into a nation of debt slaves.
This is what caused the great depression.
Tariffs are an incentive to buy American products,
which builds our gross national product, and brings prosperity.
This WILL now change.
As soon as all of the ridiculous regulations are flushed, and the taxes go down,
and the cost of slave labor goods is leveled out by the tariffs,
it will once again be profitable to manufacture products in America.
Of course manufacturers will also start buying parts and materials from EACH OTHER INSTEAD of the slave labor goods.
Prosperity will be cascading through the roof. That is the meaning of MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Tariffs are not taxing OURSELVES.
Tariffs are taxing OTHER COUNTRIES that compete with our AMERICAN businesses.
Many of those competing with our businesses are tyrannies using slave labor.
THIS IS How and why Liberty will prevail in America.
Here is the power, in the Constitution, to close down the entire tyranny:
Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution requires that “all bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills.”
The controlled establishment media is telling us that the Federal Government shutting down would be a bad thing. What is the problem?
What will we be missing if most of the Federal Government is shut down?
Would we no longer have an army of bureaucrats telling us how to run our lives, and how to run our businesses?
Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms ought to be A Convenience Store, not a government agency.
Will we no longer be molested by the TSA before we are allowed to travel?
Will we have do without Federal snoopers spying on us, reading our emails, listening to our phone calls, or illegally searching our property?
Will we stop funding schools that no longer teach anything other than Marxist class struggle and hatred?
Will we shut down the internal checkpoints, which are no where near any border, and which violate our constitutional rights?
Achtung! Ve must see your papers! Are zey in order?
Will we have to stop paying workers not to work?
Will we have to stop paying farmers not to farm?
Does it make sense that the government would pay farmers to grow tobacco, and also pay for ads telling you not to buy it?
Will we have to stop paying unwed mothers to have MORE babies?
Will we have to stop payments to illegal aliens: giving them loaded debit cards, free medical care, cell phones, and free accommodations in luxury hotels?
If we just did that maybe we would not have as much need for a wall.
The “No Gravy Train for Illegal Aliens” Law
Solution to illegal immigration is to stop subsidizing it.
“If you subsidize something you get more of it.” – Ron Paul
Will we stop providing internet access to violent inmates?
Will we stop providing free cell phones to welfare recipients?
The National Parks will not be closed. How will they be closed if there is no one there to keep people out? Doesn’t this really mean that the National Parks will be more open, than they ever were before?
Do we really believe that the federal government can provide us all with health care if they do not have the money to run a park?
Will we stop giving money away to nearly every country in the world, including out enemies?
We borrow money from big dictatorships and then give it away to small dictatorships. What would happen to your own economic stability if you borrowed money and then gave it away?
Why not just deduct the cost of building the border wall from the money that we are giving away, with Mexico and Honduras being the first?
Foreign aid is poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries.
We should educate ourselves on how much Foreign aid is being “kicked back” to politicians and their family members.
Will we stop giving money away to the United Nations?
Which person at the United Nations is elected by free voters?
The United Nations Exposed (Paperback) by William F. Jasper
We should immediately withdraw from all undeclared wars, which MEANS illegal wars.
We should stop arming militants who are trying to overthrow other governments.
Will the Federal government return the function of law enforce back over to local governments as is has been since the founding of this nation until the passing of Patriot Act?
Central control over police is the very meaning to the term “police state”.
The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope (Paperback) by Sheriff Richard Mack
Will our government stop paying interest on worthless paper notes that the Federal Reserve created out of nothing, and then “loaned” to us at interest? Why don’t we just pay them back with another piece of paper? We could produce a very fine certificate the says “United States Constitutional Republic Note”. Print whatever number on it that we need in order to state quite honestly that it is equal in value to whatever number of Federal Reserve notes that we supposedly owe to the Federal Reserve. Then tell the Federal Reserve that they have been paid in full.
The Creature from Jekyll Island
: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (Paperback) by G. Edward Griffin
The 5th edition includes G. Edward Griffin’s analysis of bank bailouts under the Bush and Obama Administrations. Bank bailouts are nothing less than legalized plunder of the American people.
Until recently, no one in government suggested ending ANY of these things. Instead, our government has suggested a default on their LEGITIMATE obligations. They have suggested taking money away from the people who have earned it. Our veterans served this country, and risked their lives, in accordance with contractual agreements made with the United States government. What would happen to any business that refused to pay its employees as promised?
Most senior citizens worked for as much as 50 years to earn the money that the federal government forced them to deposit into the TRUST FUND that is known as “social security”. The federal government made no contribution to that trust fund. What would happen to a lawyer, a banker, or any other administrator of a trust, if he converted trust money to his own use and benefit, and then failed to deliver it as agreed?
Other than meeting the contractual obligations that the federal government has, there would be no problem at all with shutting down most of the federal government.
Why did we not already do this? Yet they try to scare us into funding criminal aspects of government by claiming that they will stop paying veterans benefits and social security? Veterans benefits and social security are EARNED CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS, NOT GIFTS. If a banker failed to return money, that was being held in trust, he would go to jail. If a lawyer failed to return money, that was being held in trust, he would go to jail. and be disbarred.
If government does what would be a crime for a citizen, you have tyranny.
The Social Security Fraud and Ponzi Scheme
Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.
The day that government tries to disarm the people is the last good chance to resist.“ John Perna
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The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they?
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