Congress is the Key

Archive for April, 2020

If You Download This Video Now Before It Is Censored You Will Save Lives- Maybe Your Own

Once this video has broken past the censorship of the Deep State controlled media they will know that killing Dr. Rashid Buttar will only increase the interest in the information that is here. Downloading this, and sharing this, could save Dr. Rashid Buttar’s life. Understanding this could save your own life. Creating widespread understanding of this […]

Why are we crashing our economy and destroying the Bill of Rights when there is a cure for COVID-19?

Why are we crashing our economy and destroying the Bill of Rights when there is a cure for COVID-19 that costs $20.00 and takes less than 6 days? This is the question that we should all be asking all day long to everyone. Sheriff Scott Nichols, of Franklin County, Maine gave the right answer to […]

The Corona Con Job Made Simple

HERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO! DO NOT MISS IT! The Corona Con Job Made Simple:  Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Effective on Every One of Hundreds of Patients The Hydroxychloroquine treatment is working! In an exclusive interview, Dr. Vladmir Zelenko shares a preliminary study outlining that out of hundreds of patients treated, he has had […]