Author Archive
The Danger of a Constitutional Convention
The Danger of a Constitutional Convention The Constitutional convention is a means to destroy our republic: nothing more and nothing less. The real question about Constitutional Convention is this: Do we need to give the power to write a new constitution to the very people who have been ignoring, usurping, and trying to destroy the constitution that we have […]
Update on Nullifying ObamaCare
Judge Napolitano talks about the power of the States to nullify the Fed South Carolina Constructional amendment nullifying ObamaCare was heard at the SC State house Columbia Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:00 AM Hear Rep. Tim Scott speak about H4181 the legislation (H4181) that he introduced to protect South Carolina families from "Obamacare": Also visit: […]
Nullifying ObamaCare
Judge Napolitano talks about the power of the States to nullify the Fed South Carolina Constutional amendment Nullifying ObamaCare to be heard at the SC State house Columbia Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:00 AM If you are in South Carolina, you are needed in Columbia to show support for a Constutional amendment nullifying ObamaCare. If you are NOT in […]
Census and Your Rights
This is not legal advice. Consult an attorney if you need legal advice. Walter E Williams on the Census Now here is something that is strange: Is it not true that in order to bring a criminal charge against a citizen they must advise him that he has the right to remain silent? How does […]
AIDS, the United Nations, Genocide and the Small Pox vaccine
All of the evidence, seems to indicate that AIDS was spread by Small Pox vaccination ADMINISTERED BY The United Nations. Merck Scientist Admits Cancer & AIDS Came From Vaccines Inside the United Nations (Paperback) by Steve Bonta Obviously, before the discovery of AIDS, there was no testing for AIDS There is […]
Predicted Slander of Tea Party Movement Begins
See our last post for the prediction of this attack: Clinton and Carville to attack tea party leaders Apparently this article was enough to make them recruit a "flunky" to take the heat for them. There is an old adage that says: "If you are not catching flak, you are not over […]
Clinton and Carville to attack tea party leaders
OH REALLY? First they tried infiltrating this movement. Now they are going to try to weed out the real patriots, who are still in leadership positions, by using a campaign of character assassination. We will be watching to see which great patriots have earned this honor. It is very simple: We learn who the most effective human rights […]
Proper Role of Government
IN GENERAL, Anything that gives the government more power is bad; unless that power is essential for the protection of life, liberty, and property. It is a common error to assume that government should “promote” everything that the people see as good, and prevent everything that the people see as bad. Free people must find […]
Republic or Democracy?
Democracy is not a synonym for freedom. "Rule by majority is the opposite of rule by morality, unless you are in Heaven." John Perna In a Democracy there can be no individual rights, and there can be no minority rights. In a Democracy, only the majority has rights, and those rights are unlimited. […]
Dear Officer
Please do not obey orders to impose tyranny. Military and law enforcement personnel are organizing to resist illegal orders to impose tyranny. Visit: or We don’t want to kill you. We don’t even want to wound you. We admire your courage and the commitment you’ve made to help others, often at risk of own […]