Author Archive
Actual Video that Shows How Vote Switching Fraud is Done
EVERYONE IN AMERICA NEEDS TO SEE THIS. You can watch the vote switching in real time. Screen shots of the updates of vote totals show votes that are switched from Republican to Democrat in real time. Screen shots of the manual for the vote counting software show exactly how to switch votes. Error messages show […]
The Trump Legal team held a VOTE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE 11-19-2020 Do your own search for the VOTE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE and see what you find. In nearly all cases the fake news media did not dare to broadcast the actual press conference, but instead only provides their own opinions about it. We are expected […]
Vote Fraud Evidence is coming in Like a Tsunami
Vote Fraud Evidence includes Notarized Affidavits, Eye Witnesses, Videos, Photos, Proof of Dead Voters, Bogus Ballots Tabulated multiple times, Poll Watchers Blocked. In multiple states the vote counting software has been analyzed to prove the exact numbers of votes that were switched from Trump to Biden and exact numbers of Trump votes that were deleted. […]
Current Communist Attack on America
Everyone who believes in liberty and justice are allies without regard to the color of their skin. Those who seek to create tyranny want those who believe in liberty and justice to fight each other. Communists call this a “class struggle”, but it is really the destruction of a peaceful world, where liberty and justice […]
Shadowgate- What They Want to Censor So Much As to Arrest the Producer Everyone should download Millie Weaver’s latest documentary at the links provided here. Youtube has already taken it down. The Shadow Government must learn that arresting the producer of this documentary will not stop people from seeing it. In fact, arresting the producer just creates more interest in this documentary. Multiple URLs are provided because the […]
Why Must We Live in Fear of So Many Hoaxes?
In one life time we have seen many types of propaganda campaigns to scare people about some sort of a crisis. A very small amount of research will reveal that these propaganda campaigns come from a concerted collusion of powerful voices including media, politicians, “Big Tech” social platforms, and radical leftist organizers. At the same time […]
How Power Elite Criminals Dupe the Masses into Giving them More Power and Money
The very most powerful criminals in the world are about to be prosecuted for decades of criminal activities. These criminals have been safe from prosecution for decades due to the political power that they previously held. Many of these crimes are capital offenses and serious felonies. They include murder, treason, bribery, human trafficking, money laundering, […]
When the Very Most Powerful Criminals Are Desperate They Do Outlandish Things
The very most powerful criminals in the world are about to be prosecuted for decades of criminal activities. These criminals have been safe from prosecution for decades due to the political power that they previously held. Many of these crimes are capital offenses and serious felonies. They include murder, treason, bribery, human trafficking, money laundering, […]
PLANDEMIC – Dr. Judy Mikovits on Preventing the Extinction of Mankind
Dr. Judy Mikovits is risking her life to save your life. Down load this video now before it is censored AGAIN. Multiple URLs are provided because the criminals who control The Deep State are certain to continue attempting to stop the exposure of this information: still processing ALREADY CENSORED ALREADY CENSORED ALREADY CENSORED […]
History Lesson on Resisting Tyranny That We Learned at the Bundy Ranch
This is what happened at the Bundy Ranch when the Feds tried to bully one rancher and his family: Now we are told that they are planning to force us all to take a vaccine that they have not yet tested. This is in place of curing COVID-19 in less than 6 days with […]