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Armed liberty activists swarm NH state house Adorned with bowie knives, pistols and peaceful exasperation…Freedom activists swarm the New Hampshire legislature demanding passage of a warning to Washington. This bill would declare the union nullified if the central government commits certain abuses. This video was shot 3/4/09 and first uploaded around 3/5.
Military men are joining the American resistance to tyranny.
This YouTube was made by a courageous and candid inactive duty Marine, unafraid to tell the American people that there are those in the military who are ready to defend the constitution against our domestic enemies. Government, Don’t push me into a corner where I have to choose between obeying orders or supporting the Constitution […]
Jihad Terrorism Training Camps in the United States
35 Jihadist Training Camps in the US? Frightening Film on U.S. Terrorism Training Camps WATCH THIS VIDEO Obama Signs Presidential Determination Allowing Palestinians Loyal to Hamas to Resettle In US Kim Priestap Posted on Sunday, February 08, 2009 5:18:31 PM by NoLibZone President Barack Obama has signed an executive order presidential determination allowing […]
What Would Patrick Henry Say Today?
Below you will see what Patrick Henry said in 1775. Read this in the orginal form. Then read this again, and change a few words: Change "British ministry" to "federal government". Change "kings" to "tyrants".Change "Great Britain" to "Washington". Change "ministry and Parliament" to "federal government". Change "throne" to "federal government". Change "British guard" to "federal […]
Ron Paul video End the Fed
Ron Paul on Bill Maher 2-20-09
Guardsmen in Iowa have scrapped the plan for training on the implementation of tyranny.
Guardsmen had planned to conduct urban training to apprehend a "suspected weapons dealer." The word got out and they backed off. This is NOT how to find a weapons dealer in a free country. In a free country you find a weapons dealer by looking in the yellow pages. This was to be a brainwashing, and a conditioning, […]
Big Brother is watching you
Is George Orwell's "Telescreen" here now? Here is a claim that cameras and microphones are inside of the Digital Converter Boxes. We should at least investigate this claim. Here is a video of the search of one Digital Converter Box.This one is the MAGNAVOX TB110MW9 Digital to Analog Converter. Nineteen Eighty-four, Signet Classic 1981 (Paperback) by George Orwell […]
One Sample Letter to a bailed out BIG BANKSTER
Dear GREAT BIG BANKSTER (you know which ones): Please consider my debt to you paid in full, as we taxpayers have been forced (just as surely as a gun had been held to our heads) to pay for your bad business practices. Our Congress assisted in this theft of the American Taxpayer, because they belong to […]
Criminal Elitists Need to Watch These News Reels
Stormtroopers are not available in infinite numbers, and the morale of stormtroopers goes down when they are losing. If the people DEFEND THEMSELVES then the lives of the corrupt power cartel would be worth nothing. The balance of power can shift quickly. The criminal elitists need to watch the news reels of what happened to Mussolini: […]