Congress is the Key

Author Archive

Gulag Archipelago Excerpt on resisting tyranny

An excerpt from "The Gulag Archipelago" … on how to resist fascism & tyranny. The lesson that is just as important today as it was half a century ago. "During an arrest, you think since you are not guilty, how can they arrest you? Why should you run away? And how can you resist right […]

Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s chief of staff, speaks on the Opportunities of Crisis

Creating Crisis to Justify Building Tyranny – Why Obama Brought Ebola To U.S. Pressure from above and below Crisis provides the EXCUSE FOR TYRANNY. In every call for more power for government there should be a reminder that nothing in the measure will abrogate the constitutional rights of American citizens. We must not […]

Thought Police

NSA Wants to Know How You Think Maybe Even What You Thinkby James Bamford The New Thought Police The National Security Agency (NSA) is developing a tool that George Orwell's Thought Police might have found useful: an artificial intelligence system designed to gain insight into what people are thinking. With the entire Internet and […]

Stop the Stimulus!

Shelly Roche gives us an URGENT Action Alert: Stop the Stimulus!    We're joining forces with (an active coalition of libertarians, independents, Ron Paul republicans — and, yes, "regular" republicans — seeking less government and more freedom) to stop the stimulus!  They've done all the work – all you have to do […]

The Danger of a Constitutional Convention

Testimony of John Perna on March 04, 2015 Subterfuge: Call it “Convention of the States” instead of Constitutional Convention, and claim that these are not the same thing. BUT at THE SAME TIME make it a call that is derived from Article V. Article V is about a Constitutional Convention. They are calling for […]

The Obama Administration Assault on Gun rights

Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, suggests creating a list of people who have no rights, by calling them “potential terrorists”.     Rahm Emanuel Speaking at the Brady Center in DC: Are you on the “no fly” list? Are you on the “no RIGHTS” list? Are you in the disarmed class? Rahm Emanuel says “Never Let […]

Pro-life Super Bowl Ad Rejected by NBC

NBC has rejected a 41 second ad for the Super Bowl.  It makes you wonder what they see in the ad that is such a problem.  Must be that it hits too close to the truth. Imagine Spot 1 – Super Bowl Ad NBC Rejected   The Washington Times is reporting today that NBC, […]


  Endgame – FULL MOVIE – High Quality by Alex Jones     Conspiracy FACT, OR accidental theory (AKA the “co-incidence theory”):     “Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the […]

Concentration Camps in USA?

  Who believes that this is true? You judge it for yourself.   I did not pass this along because I have no way of verifying that it is true. After the high level of interest that was expressed at the meetup, I have concluded that people should at least have the chance to judge it for […]

Boston Tea Party 08