Author Archive
Break the Bailout
Break the Bailout Break the Bailout! End the Federal Reserve Bank! Go back to sound money! Help us Break the Bailout! Here's how.. 1. Awareness Campaign The people need to understand the bailout, its connection to the Federal Reserve, and why the bailouts must be stopped. We'll utilize tv, radio and print to make it […]
Without a conspiracy, how could the “bailout” of the banksters have happened?
“Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately […]
End the Federal Reserve Bank! National Rally for Sound Money, November 22nd The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin END THE FED On November 22nd, rallies in 39 cities will commence at Federal Bank locations throughout America. We have one message: END THE FED. We will be attending the rally in Chicago and invite all […]
Vote For What is Really Right. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
Remember what Larry MacDonald said: Congress is the key. WE MUST NOT get suckered in by the CFR news media into focusing all or most of your attention on the presidential contest. We're going to have a bad President either way, but we can elect a Congress that will stand up and say NO to: McCain-Kennedy Amnesty […]
Obama Nation
The Obama Nation that could come to be Obama has Terrorist Ties and Radical Roots Obama's Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans Watch the video of Larry Grathwohl, former member of the weather underground. Larry Grathwohl heard this plan to kill 25 Million Americans with his own ears. Coming to a re-education camp near you: […]
It is no secret now: New World Order is building world tyranny. Regional government is the stepping stone.
Watch the European Union openly calling for "New World Governance" Inside the United Nations by Steve Bonta (Paperback – 2003) Also read: The United Nations Exposed by William F. Jasper Our own military is already being put under the command of the United Nations. Changing […]
World Tyranny was One Treaty Away WATCH THIS VIDEO AND UNDERSTAND HOW CLOSE WE WERE TO WORLD GOVERNMENT. Obama IS still Poised to Cede US Sovereignty. WATCH THE Actual VIDEO of Lord Monckton saying, "Obama poised to Cede Sovereignty. Climate Treaty WILL create a world government. The Minnesota Free Market Institute hosted an event at Bethel University in St. Paul on Oct. […]
The Bailout: Death of the Dollar, birth of the Amero, and America’s Engineered Decline
Censorship of these kind of links is rampant. Adding spaces is the usual method. If clicking of the link does not produce the video try pasting it into the address bar. Remove extra spaces if need be. Or try clicking on the link as it appears in the blog at: the REST of […]
Council on Foreign Relations and 2008 Election
The Council on Foreign Relations and the 2008 Election Here is what you need to know about Obama, McCain and Baldwin. About Obama: Suit To Remove Barack Obama From The Ballot Obama: "My Muslim Faith" About McCain: John McCain in "Missing, Presumed Dead" John McCain was the primary opposition to the Senate […]
Adam Kokesh speech
Adam Kokesh speech- Inspirational and informative You can almost hear our founding fathers cheering from Heaven Visit the ultimate resource for defending libertyCLICK HERE: and HERE: 1. Links to liberty defending organizations 2. Links to liberty defending web pages 3. Links to A MASSIVE assortment of liberty defending videos […]