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Why are we crashing our economy and destroying the Bill of Rights when there is a cure for COVID-19?
Why are we crashing our economy and destroying the Bill of Rights when there is a cure for COVID-19 that costs $20.00 and takes less than 6 days? This is the question that we should all be asking all day long to everyone. Sheriff Scott Nichols, of Franklin County, Maine gave the right answer to […]
The Corona Con Job Made Simple
HERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO! DO NOT MISS IT! The Corona Con Job Made Simple: Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Effective on Every One of Hundreds of Patients The Hydroxychloroquine treatment is working! In an exclusive interview, Dr. Vladmir Zelenko shares a preliminary study outlining that out of hundreds of patients treated, he has had […]
Corona Virus Can Be Cured in Just Six Days
Corona Virus Can Be Cured in Just Six Days: President Trump Announced that a CRITICAL MEDICINE Will Be Made Available IMMEDIATELY! Corona Virus infected patients who take Hydroxy Chloroquine test negative for Corona Virus in just six days: So why are we installing totalitarianism in the name of protecting us from a hoax? […]
The Corona Virus Hoax Has Now Been Defeated
President Trump Announces CRITICAL MEDICINE Will Be Made Available IMMEDIATELY! Corona Virus infected patients who take Hydroxy Chloroquine test negative for Corona Virus in just six days. In every call for more power for government there should be vigilance to insure that nothing in the measure will abrogate the constitutional rights of American […]
Pressure from Above and Below – How Crisis is Used to Build Tyranny
Just like the old hoaxes of 911, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and The War on Terror, and global warming. Every crisis provides an EXCUSE FOR THE BUILDING OF TYRANNY. Here we go again. This time it is the Corona Virus. In every call for more power for government there should be vigilance to insure that nothing in the measure […]
UN Takeover of USA! Gun Confiscation in Virginia is the Just the Starting Point!
The United Nations has a “help wanted” ad for storm troopers: These storm troopers will be called: DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION OFFICERS Law Enforcement Today gives the definitions of DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION Here: So the Communists in Virginia are afraid that Americans, who are sworn to uphold our Constitution, might not […]
Stammering, Blabbering, Stuttering, Incoherent Pelosi Tries to Explain the Impeachment Delay In this video, Speaker Nancy of the House explains why she decided not to submit the articles for impeachment to the Senate. She says that she is delaying sending the articles to the Senate because: She does not know the “arena” that it will be in, or She does not know who the “managers” will […]
Virginia Is Going to Try Door to Door Gun Confiscation
Virginia was once a proud leader in the defense of liberty. Many great patriots and founders of this nation were Virginians. Now Virginia is ruled by people who have no respect for the Constitution that was ratified by their forefathers. Virginia lawmakers now threaten gun confiscation, and want to make gun ownership a felony. Virginia […]
Suicide of the Democratic Party
It is an old adage that a drowning man will grab at a straw. For many years the Deep State has been able to rely on their control of the New World Order’s establishment media to cover up every crime that they commit, and to portray their adversaries in a negative light. Now the Fake News […]
YouTube Blacklists Federal Reserve Information. It’s Up To YOU To Spread It!
YouTube Blacklists Federal Reserve Information. It’s Up To YOU To Spread It! Corbett Report Published on Aug 4, 2019 SHOW NOTES: Breitbart finally covers the story of how Chris Hayes got YouTube to blacklist the search term “federal reserve” and scrub Century of Enslavement from those search results. Today, James puts […]