Congress is the Key

Archive for the ‘Books’

Police State Training In Anderson, SC

 6-8-2010 through 6-20-2010 The Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, the US Army, numerous SC state agencies, other federal agencies, and local law enforcement will conduct a military drill in Anderson county, SC, and surrounding areas, as a mock terrorist attack, from June 8, 2010. through June 20 2010. “Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the […]

HILARIOUS! Rep. James Traficant on Department of Agriculture spending

 at his best … threatens to turn Elsie loose on the petroleum cartel!! Department of Agriculture spent millions of dollars to prepare a study concluding: (1)  big farm animals produce more manure than small farm animals;  and,(2)  manure stinks!   It is time to clear the air on Cap and Trade. Let the […]

Illegal Aliens Think They Can Conquer Us

MACHETE trailer: (OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE) SHOCK VIDEO: ‘Professor’ Calls for Mexican Revolt in America Reconquista Aztlan Separatist Speech by Ron Gochez L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S. Now you know what La Raza is. Just doing jobs tha Americans do not want? We have the right to defend ourselves. Thomas […]

Ron Paul On Constitutional Convention

Reply directly from Rep.Ron Paul relating to a Constitutional Convention, and/or other ways to achieve an amendment:    Dear Friend:   Thank you for expressing your concern that attempting to roll back the dangerous expansion of government power through constitutional amendment will bring about a constitutional convention. You are indeed correct that a modern constitutional […]

Swat Team Protects Obama From Grandma

HILARIOUS VIDEO! So, why didn’t the SWAT Team tear gas this obvious threat to the national security??? “Don’t TAZ me, you young whippersnappers!!!” Without the Tea Party, and the police, there would have been no one there. Look at the empty parking lot! Obama Calls Out Swat Team on Tea Party Patriots […]

Arizona says: No Birth Certificate? No Ballot Position!

Arizona House OKs Bill Requiring Presidential Candidates to Provide Birth Certificate WHAT IF ALL 50 STATES DO THIS? WHAT IF ONLY ENOUGH STATES TO HOLD 50 PERCENT OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES DO THIS? CALL YOUR STATE LEGISLATOR! How many states would have to refuse a candidate ballot position before a party would just get […]

Police State 4

  The “Police State” Special Edition Issue of The New American magazine. (Fall/Winter 1994) The cover shows an ATF agent, in camouflage, and carrying an assault rifle. He is wearing sun glasses, and has a piece of tape over his badge number. Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family —————- Detention Camps Now […]

Why Socialism MUST Ultimately Become Totalitarian

Why Socialism produces poverty. Many of the things that are referred to as “capitalist” are not free enterprise, but are monopolistic. Communism is a state monopoly; which is not unlike the monopoly of robber barons. Communism is just a BIGGER monopoly. “Protectionism, Socialism, and Communism are the same plant, in three stages of development.” Frederick […]

Update on Nullifying ObamaCare

Judge Napolitano talks about the power of the States to nullify the Fed South Carolina Constructional amendment nullifying ObamaCare was heard at the SC State house Columbia Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:00 AM Hear Rep. Tim Scott speak about H4181 the legislation (H4181) that he introduced to protect South Carolina families from "Obamacare":  Also visit:  […]

Nullifying ObamaCare

Judge Napolitano talks about the power of the States to nullify the Fed  South Carolina Constutional amendment Nullifying ObamaCare to be heard at the SC State house Columbia Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:00 AM If you are in South Carolina, you are needed in Columbia to show support for a Constutional amendment nullifying ObamaCare. If you are NOT in […]