Archive for the ‘Obama’
Military Combat Troops Being Trained to Police 2010 Elections
0bama now has a Consequence Management Response Force “to deal with angry people on the street.” It is a violation of a law called Posse Comitatus to use the American military against the American people. Our constitution did not give the law enforcement function to the federal government. The 10th amendment PROHIBITS any federal law […]
Supreme Court Judges hold back tears while Obama hypes H.R. 5175 DISCLOSE Act
What no words will ever tell you, these faces will show you. When Rome degenerated from a free republic into a tyranny the statesmen, who had previously served the people, were intimidated to be silent. Is this what we are seeing now? WATCH THESE VIDEOS: Read his lips: Justice Alito’s “YOU LIE” Moment […]
Best Collection of Freedom Videos This is the Most Extensive Collection of Freedom Videos Ever Compiled. If this message has been emailed the recipient may have to copy and paste the links into the address bar, as censorship of these kind of links is rampant. Adding spaces to the URL is the usual method. These URLs are regularly removed […]
What Obama Does Not Want You To See Or Know
What Obama Does Not Want You To See Or Know A Collection of URLS: One that is still working: The Obama Deception – Full Length Obama Deception Hacked! The Obama Deception – An Alex Jones Film TRAILER #2 – WHO IS DOING THIS? READ: The Shadows […]
Gulf Oil Spill: The New Excuse For Building Tyranny
Have you noticed that the media has made the oil spill into a national “crisis?” Check how often the words “national crisis” or “crisis” is used in “news” reports. Watch this video to understand what is really happening: Rahm Emanuel says “Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste”. What he means is: Use crisis to […]
How Many More Tax Supported Terrorists Do We Need?
You just spent $20,000,000 to move members and supporters of Hamas, a terrorist organization, to the United States; housing, food, the whole enchilada. HB 1388 PASSED Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U.S. needs to know….Something happened…HB 1388 was passed, behind our backs. You may want to read about it… […]
Why Obama will not be visiting Arizona!
The Constitution states that The President must be a “natural born” citizen of the USA. Obama, rather than presenting his birth documents like all other presidential candidates, spends over $800,000 in legal fees to block them in the courts. He not only blocks birth records but all his records including school records that could reveal […]
Procter & Gamble Exec. to Obama: You Scare Me
OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA By Lou Pritchett EXECUTIVE of Procter & Gamble THE LAST SENTENCE IS THE MOST CHILLING Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America’s true living legends- an acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world’s highest rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize him as the foremost leader in […]
Swat Team Protects Obama From Grandma
HILARIOUS VIDEO! So, why didn’t the SWAT Team tear gas this obvious threat to the national security??? “Don’t TAZ me, you young whippersnappers!!!” Without the Tea Party, and the police, there would have been no one there. Look at the empty parking lot! Obama Calls Out Swat Team on Tea Party Patriots […]
Arizona says: No Birth Certificate? No Ballot Position!
Arizona House OKs Bill Requiring Presidential Candidates to Provide Birth Certificate WHAT IF ALL 50 STATES DO THIS? WHAT IF ONLY ENOUGH STATES TO HOLD 50 PERCENT OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES DO THIS? CALL YOUR STATE LEGISLATOR! How many states would have to refuse a candidate ballot position before a party would just get […]