Archive for the ‘Privacy’
Proof that liberty defending email is being censored
IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE CENSORSHIP FOR YOURSELF JUST COPY THIS MESSAGE AND TRY PASSING IT AROUND. Censorship PART ONE Censorship PART TWO Censorship Part 3: Replying to censored political messages Censorship Part 4: Replying to censored political messages Replying to censored political messages that went to spam folder. Censorship […]
Campaign for Liberty on Missouri State Police
March 17, 2009 Dear Friend of Liberty, Maybe you've heard, or maybe not, but the Missouri State Police think you might be a security threat. Why? Because you support Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty. Also, because maybe you own guns, oppose abortion or homeschool. Even, and I'm serious, because you support the U.S. Constitution. I know, […]
Feds Slander Christians, founding fathers and homeschoolers as terrorists.
Federal government training seminar says founding fathers, Christians and homeschoolers are terrorists. The lecturer identifies George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers as “terrorists”. OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!! Sit in on an actual FEMA Gestapo training class: (Click the rectangle in the lower right to go to full screen) […]
What Would Patrick Henry Say Today?
Below you will see what Patrick Henry said in 1775. Read this in the orginal form. Then read this again, and change a few words: Change "British ministry" to "federal government". Change "kings" to "tyrants".Change "Great Britain" to "Washington". Change "ministry and Parliament" to "federal government". Change "throne" to "federal government". Change "British guard" to "federal […]
Ron Paul video End the Fed
Thought Police
NSA Wants to Know How You Think Maybe Even What You Thinkby James Bamford The New Thought Police The National Security Agency (NSA) is developing a tool that George Orwell's Thought Police might have found useful: an artificial intelligence system designed to gain insight into what people are thinking. With the entire Internet and […]
BILL MOYERS interview of GLENN GREENWALD on Bush violations of human rights (an analysis from the left)
Watch the video. Will there be criminal charges? The tyrant's nightmare: The peacock of today is the feather duster of tomorrow. December 12, 2008 BILL MOYERS: Welcome to the JOURNAL. For a fellow who's still supposed to be in charge of a country in deep crisis, President Bush has been spending an extraordinary […]
Update: FISA warrantless wiretapping Bill (HR 6304)
Olbermann-FISA, Telecom Immunity and other Crimes Watch Mark Klein’s testimony about this warrantless wiretapping. Call your Senators through the switchboard at 202-224-3121 or dial direct Why is the government unwilling to let these facts be aired in open court? Ben Siegrist, who works for Senator DeMint, told me that Mark Klein’s testimony is of […]