Congress is the Key

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’

United Nations Facility in Gaza Supplies Power to Terrorist Tunnel Network. Here is the actual video of tunnels underneath Gaza headquarters of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees. Why is there no peace? How would peace be possible if the “peace keepers” are allied with the terrorists? How would peace be possible if the […]

Tyrants Arrest Political Opponents

All of our lives we have heard about tyrants who use the force of government to oppress their political opponents. We have heard about tyrants who arrest peaceful protesters who are critical of their regimes. We have always said that those things could not happen here, in America. During Hitler’s rise to power many Germans […]

Viral Ad Exposes the Real Cause of Our Crime Wave or or PLEASE PASS THIS ON! The images in this video will rock your world. Is your community doing this: Defunding the police? Failing to prosecute criminals? Releasing violent criminals? Preventing the police from protecting you? Disarming law abiding citizens? Get a sheriff in your local area, who will stop this! The […]

Non-Communists Need Not Apply to Teach in Minnesota

New Teacher Licensing Requirement Include Demonstrating ‘Marxist” Views to Keep Job Daniel Our public school system continues to be corrupted by liberalism and Marxism. Some states have taken steps to prevent it, while others have embraced it and are even attempting to mandate it. By spreading radical liberal propaganda, the National School Board has already […]

Tyranny Being Created By Vaccine Passports

MULTIPLE URLs ARE PROVIDED BECAUSE CENSORSHIP: THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, BOTH FOR YOU, AND FOR THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL MURDERERS. Here is another URL for it: Expect that this one will be censored for violating Communist standards. Every concept of freedom is about to be put into quarantine. Everything that […]


DR. CARRIE MADEJ RELEASES FIRST LOOK AT PFIZER VIAL CONTENTS: This hydro parasite is in J & J Vaxx also The interview has awesome videos of this small parasite(s) called Hydro with its many arms that’s been found in J & J Vaxx and in PFIZER vial vaccine contents as well. Dr. Carrie Madej […]

Complete Documentary of What is Happening In This World

The Complete Documentary of What is Happening In This World.  Unless large numbers of people understand what is presented here the world will be doomed to world wide tyranny. The Complete Documentary of What is Happening In This World.This is the most complete, well put together documentary of what is happening in our world […]

Pentagon to Require COVID Vaccine for All Troops

NO ENEMY HAS EVER KILLED THIS MANY AMERICAN SOLDIERS, THIS QUICKLY, IN OUR ENTIRE HISTORY. Forcing people to accept an experimental vaccine is a crime against humanity, punishable by death. For more information read the Nuremberg Code: Using germ warfare to annihilate the American military is a war crime. Treason against the Unites States […]

Meet the American Gestapo. The Storm Troopers Have Already Been Trained

Army Sergeant Cindy Bronson: “Understand that if active duty military actually get deployed in the United States that weapon is not just pointed at other people, other countries. That weapon is pointed at you. If you do not get in your house when I tell you to, you become the enemy. Martial law. You know, […]

The Critical Race Theory IS Systemic Racism.

The Critical Race Theory teaches judging people on the basis of their race. This is done to create class struggle which is the fuel for a Communist revolution. The Critical Race Theory is Communist indoctrination aimed at intentionally CREATING racism, so as to divide and conquer. While teaching racial hatred they accuse their opponents of […]