Veterans Day Greetings
Using Brazen Lies to Trick Us into Higher Taxes
How the “Penny for Progress” Tax Scam Was Defeated in Lexington County, SC The local option sales tax slogan was “A Penny for Pavement”! “A Penny for pavement” was two lies in only four words. It was not a penny, and it was not for pavement. Not many people were fooled. This deception was enough to […]
Are You a David? by Sheriff Richard Mack
Sheriff Mack has a new Book! Are You a David? by Sheriff Richard Mack Our federal government has reached a zenith of corruption, abuse, greed, deceit and debt. Criminals in government parade around as heroes while attacking Americans via the IRS, FBI, BLM, EPA and a legion of other unconstitutional agencies. Property rights are […]
America’s Legacy of Building World Tyranny This is a speech given by Major George Racey Jordan in Los Angeles in 1963. Major Jordan is the author of “From Major Jordan’s Diary”. The outlandish outrage, that is made clear, is that the American tax payers funded the building of Communism. Major Jordan was responsible for implementing the transfer of American weapons, technology and […]
EPA’s Plan to Quadruple Your Power Bills
EPA is about to shut our economy down, claiming a proven hoax as the justification. On June 2, the Environmental Protection Agency announced it’s “Clean Power Plan” to restrict the use of coal, for power production. Read more at: The EPA claims power to make this law without regard to Article. I. Section. 1. Paragraph 1, Sentence 1 […]
Video of Michael Brown Store Robbery When police stop a criminal they are usually praised. This time there was a riot. When the people side with the criminals we have a criminal population. Since Michael Brown died, 244 Teenagers Have Been Shot In Chicago Almost 900 shootings and homicides in the past three months and not one is worthy of […]
America Now Has a Secret Prison System As is true of every dictatorship, America now has a secret prison system. One of these is located within view of the national historic site: Grant’s Cottage. Grant’s Cottage is located at 1000 Mt McGregor Rd, Wilton, NY 12831. Ironically this is the same address that is given for the Mt. McGregor Correctional Facility. If you do […]
Creating Crisis to Justify Building Tyranny – Why Obama Brought Ebola To U.S. Boogey men adversaries provide the EXCUSE FOR TYRANNY. In every call for more power for government there should be a reminder that nothing in the measure will abrogate the constitutional rights of American citizens. We must not destroy freedom in the name of defending freedom. Be careful about elimination of rights, or the setting […]
Retired Border Patrol Agent Leaks the Real Story on Surge of Illegals We are under attack. Illegal alien gang members will be used as the infantry for the initial assault. This initial assault will come after the disease pandemics have softened up the population. The disease pandemics are being carried out with these illegal aliens, and are being deployed now. The destruction of the power grid, the food and […]
Waitresses Carry Loaded Guns at Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado
Many stores and restaurants are telling people not to bring their guns inside, but one western Colorado restaurant not only embraces the practice of packing heat, it encourages its customers to carry openly — and its waitresses do, too. As she takes your order at Shooters Grill in the town of Rifle — yes, Rifle […]