Rest in Peace: A Great Patriot – Dr. Michael S Coffman has passed away. The resistance has lost a hero of America, but he won’t be forgotten. Dr. Michael Coffman, a firebrand patriot known for exposing Agenda 21 and the globalist gameplan to end rural America, passed away after a battle with cancer. Dr. Michael Coffman was a great author, a great speaker, and a great defender of liberty. […]
Starbucks Giving Black People Free Coffee for “Reparations”?
Starbucks Giving Black People Free Coffee for “Reparations”? This black man went into Starbucks, and demanded free coffee as “reparations”. He GOT IT! When the media asked him why he did this, he said that he wanted to show how stupid the liberals are. ——— Two Black Men Arrested for Acting Entitled At Starbucks […]
New Film about Ted Kennedy at Chappaquiddick Opens Friday, April 6, 2018
CHAPPAQUIDDICK Official Trailer # 2 (2018) Kate Mara, Kennedy Biography Movie HD ONE Media Published on Dec 20, 2017 CHAPPAQUIDDICK Official Trailer © 2017 – Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures —————– – Chappaquiddick Cover Up: An Interview of Diver John Farrar Camp Constitution Capt. John Farrar Interviewed by Mayor Sam Yorty […]
Pennsylvania District Equips Classrooms with Rocks as Protection Against Shooters
WHEW! And we thought that these children might be left defenseless! This is not a joke! These people are serious! What is dumber than a box of rocks? Pennsylvania District Equips Classrooms with Buckets of Rocks to Stone Mass Shooters We live in a world so deluded that people claim that children will be made […]
Pray for Our Schools
Now I sit me down in school Where praying is against the rule For this great nation under God Finds mention of Him very odd If scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow Becomes a Federal matter now Our hair can be purple, orange or […]
What Happened to Roy Moore Was Vote Fraud
Look at this pattern of voting in Alabama during the Trump – Clinton election. This looks like Hillary Clinton stole 13 counties in Alabama using a cellular modem that accessed a chip in the electronic vote counting machines: Is this what happened to Roy Moore? Alabama voter fraud caught on tape. Research on Vote […]
Pedophile Perverts Seek Camouflage by Accusing Others
A drowning man will grab at a straw. There are dozens of sealed indictments ready to be processed against some of the most powerful people in America. These pedophile perverts are so desperate that they do not even care how stupid they are looking by making heinous and ridiculous accusations against others. They hope to […]
To Athletes Who Will Not Respect Our National Anthem
If you do not respect, and appreciate, the country that made you a millionaire please pick another country and go! We gained a free country because our founding fathers LEFT tyranny and BUILT a new free country. It takes more effort to BUILD than it takes to DESTROY. Those who do not like this country; which made them […]
Who Are the Race Baiters?
What Are We Missing? Blacks who were never slaves are fighting whites who were never slave holders over a Confederate statue of a Southern Democrat, erected by Southern Democrats. Democrats have not been this angry since Republicans freed the slaves. Apparently Democrats can no longer stand their own history… …yet somehow, it’s Trumps fault? ================= PLEASE PASS […]
Kathy Griffin is not a comedian. Kathy Griffin is a JOKE.
Kathy Griffin is now the “poster child” of the mentally deranged. What kind of a fiend portrays a bloody severed head of a sitting President as being something that is funny? If you see Kathy Griffin’s face again, change the channel, and then write to the network who hired her. Then write to the sponsors of […]