Archive for the ‘American Concentration Camps’
American Holocaust has Been Prepared
The US military is hiring concentration camp guards for civilian detainees. U.S. Detention Camps political prisoners have been built all over the USA. NDAA S.1867 has passed making it posssible to arrest Americans without any charge, and to detain them indefinately without any trial. The federal government is gathering intelligence to confiscate food supplies. Senate Passed NDAA 1867 […]
American Recipe for Holocaust
– A startling video by Naomi Wolf, author of “The End of America” THIS COMES FROM A LEFTIST WHO HAS SEEN ENOUGH TO START GETTING SCARED. Naomi Wolf wrote the book “The End of America”: Videos about the book: The word “democracy” is used incorrectly, as a synonym for liberty, but the […]
Arrested & Beaten For Holding ‘Impeach Obama’ Sign On Public Property OR America! How long will you go on believing that we do not live in a police state? What will it take to wake you? Palmer, Alaska This first day of the 2010 Alaska State Fair starts with sunny skies and a brutal assault by security personnel on a LaRouche supporter. At […]
Military Combat Troops Being Trained to Police 2010 Elections
0bama now has a Consequence Management Response Force “to deal with angry people on the street.” It is a violation of a law called Posse Comitatus to use the American military against the American people. Our constitution did not give the law enforcement function to the federal government. The 10th amendment PROHIBITS any federal law […]
Best Collection of Freedom Videos This is the Most Extensive Collection of Freedom Videos Ever Compiled. If this message has been emailed the recipient may have to copy and paste the links into the address bar, as censorship of these kind of links is rampant. Adding spaces to the URL is the usual method. These URLs are regularly removed […]
Police State Training In Anderson, SC
6-8-2010 through 6-20-2010 The Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, the US Army, numerous SC state agencies, other federal agencies, and local law enforcement will conduct a military drill in Anderson county, SC, and surrounding areas, as a mock terrorist attack, from June 8, 2010. through June 20 2010. “Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the […]
Swat Team Protects Obama From Grandma
HILARIOUS VIDEO! So, why didn’t the SWAT Team tear gas this obvious threat to the national security??? “Don’t TAZ me, you young whippersnappers!!!” Without the Tea Party, and the police, there would have been no one there. Look at the empty parking lot! Obama Calls Out Swat Team on Tea Party Patriots […]
Police State 4
The “Police State” Special Edition Issue of The New American magazine. (Fall/Winter 1994) The cover shows an ATF agent, in camouflage, and carrying an assault rifle. He is wearing sun glasses, and has a piece of tape over his badge number. Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family —————- Detention Camps Now […]
AIDS, the United Nations, Genocide and the Small Pox vaccine
All of the evidence, seems to indicate that AIDS was spread by Small Pox vaccination ADMINISTERED BY The United Nations. Merck Scientist Admits Cancer & AIDS Came From Vaccines Inside the United Nations (Paperback) by Steve Bonta Obviously, before the discovery of AIDS, there was no testing for AIDS There is […]
Vaccination: The Excuse For Tyranny
Mark Of The Beast IS HERE NOW: RFID Bracelets, supposedly to prove that you have been already infected by the forced vaccination Swine Flu Conference: Planning to take kids from schools & Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines Soldier, Former State Trooper Speak Out On Forced Vaccinations Former Kansas state trooper Greg Evensen underscored this claim last […]