Congress is the Key

Archive for the ‘Clinton’

What if President Trump Nominated Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court?

Then would the investigation of her finally get started? Would we have the mainstream media giving us stories about who she might have had sex with? Would we have the mainstream media giving us stories about what she did for the last 30 years? Would we finally hear the truth about Benghazi? Would we finally hear the truth about all […]

Clinton Foundation 2014 Tax Return

These figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for the tax year 2014.  The copy of the tax return is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics website.  You can get the latest tax return on any charitable organization. Total revenue (line 12)  ……………….$177, 804,612.00 Total grants to […]

Audi Deceptive Ad is Really For Taking the American Market The foreign owned Audi ad pretends to be about gender equality, but it is really about stopping American companies from recovering the American market for American industries. Audi’s super bowl ad attempted to present their company as a defender of equality for women. Audi’s super bowl ad was; in fact, a thinly disguised attempt, by a foreign owned company, to […]

Another War About to be Perpetrated by Fake News

The lame duck congress is about to shut down the free media on the internet. They have given the FCC power to shut down those who are telling us the truth. Will those who do not spout New World Order propaganda now be accused of being Russian agents? The propagandist media is trying to get […]

Meetings for Supporters of Hillary Clinton

Any actual living supporters of Hillary Clinton, who are in the United States legally, will meet at Comet Pizza.   Dead voters will be invited to the next “spirit cooking”. Illegal alien supporters, government employees, media, and electronic vote counting machine manufacturers, will meet at the University of Michigan Stadium, on a first come first serve […]

Real Truth About “Fake News”

How do we recognize “fake news”? It is exciting that Clinton and Obama are now opposed to “fake news”. We are thankful to these propagandists for giving us such an excellent term to describe what they have been doing for decades. Even though it is clear that this campaign against “fake news” was designed to intimidate those who […]

Analyzing Vote Fraud by Looking for Patterns

This article presents questions that have not yet been answered. This is a request for a local investigation in a few particular states and counties. This is not about challenging the results of the election. What we need now is investigating, and prosecuting, of a crime. The election is over, but investigating, and prosecuting, the crime is NOT over. In the […]

Research on Vote Fraud is Still Needed

With the exception of Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, and New Mexico all of the states that supposedly went for Clinton are in TWO time zones: Eastern Standard Time and Pacific Standard Time. It looks as though Clinton was most likely to be called the winner in the states that either had the first polls to open, or […]

To the Celebrities Who Vowed To Leave US If Trump Won: Adios!

Good bye, Leftists! While many were being consumed by the uncontrollable joy of watching the map turn red, we were as worried as those leftists, who were writing the melodramatic posts about “Hitler” winning the White House. What we were worried about was the fact that Trump is a deal maker. We were worried that […]

Inside Surveillance Videos of Clinton’s Illegal Election Rigging

Part 1    Published on Oct 17, 2016 over 7 million views as of this moment   BE FOREWARNED: This video includes the kind of foul language that is normal among Clinton supporters. In this explosive new video from Project Veritas Action, a Democratic dirty tricks operative unwittingly provides a dark money trail to […]