Archive for the ‘Current Affairs’
CENSORED FACTS: Two Newtown Shooters Were Captured Alive
These raw footage videos, and witnesses, prove that two other perpetrators were captured outside: Raw Film CT Police Search Woods After Shooting- 2 More Perps Shown One was captured just outside the school. The other was captured in the woods. Initial reports admitted to the other perpetrators, but media is now strangely silent […]
Jake Knotts said he was in the “catbird seat”? Watch out for da cat! Is “cat” short for Katrina? Shealy Leading Against Knotts At 11:25 PM Results so far is Katrina Shealy 52% Petition Jake Knotts 43% Republicrat David Whetsell 5% Constitution Party Jake Jake Boss Hogg Thomas Jefferson said: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” We add this: “The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost. The battle […]
Video of Captured American Journalist Austin Tice- Alive BUT in Torment
Video of Captured American Journalist Austin Tice- Alive BUT in Torment Tice is blindfolded and is apparently being forced to recite the Muslim declaration of faith, or shahada, but he switches to English and says, “oh Jesus, oh Jesus” He speaks in an exhausted voice, and is in the custody […]
Marine Veteran Arrested for Facebook Posts
HERE IS AN Interview of Raub Brandon’s Mother And His Arrest for Facebook Posts Marine Veteran Raub Brandon has been arrested for his Facebook Posts. Why? Marine Raub Brandon of Richmond, VA, was taken by FBI and Secret Service and nobody knows why. Syndicated talk show host Josh Tolley conducted an […]
Rep. Kelly’s Rousing Government GET OFF OUR BACKS Speech GETS Standing Ovation & Chants of USA! Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania gets a standing ovation in the House of Representatives for telling our government to leave us alone, and let us be productive. What is the cost of the “red tape” that our government? Feds: you are out of touch with America! Get off of our backs, […]
Ron Paul Backers ARRESTED at Missouri Caucus
NEO CONS ARE GETTING DESPERATE You thought sneaky vote fraud was bad? How do you like armed police using force? Here ARE Actual videos of the POLICE TAKE OVER OF THE St. Charles MO Caucus HERE IS THE ACTUAL ARREST ON VIDEO St. Charles MO Caucus Hijacked! Over 20 Police Officers inside the […]
Go to jail for a messy yard?
QUESTION TO ORIGINAL AMERICA: A tax on tea? Answer: Give me liberty or give me death! QUESTION TO TODAY’S AMERICA: Go to jail for a messy yard? Answer: Go along and get along. Roll with the punch. It is for your own good. They are just doing their jobs. They are only here to help […]
Bill of Rights: Born Dec. 15, 1791 – Died Dec. 15, 2011
Happy Bill of Rights Day Americans can be detained without due process Bill – S.1867 What Adolph Hitler did was LEGAL, in Germany, when he did it. What Stalin did was LEGAL, in Russia, when he did it. What Mao did was LEGAL, in China, when he did it. NOW THOSE SAME THINGS ARE LEGAL […]
Ron Paul on CBS Face The Nation 11-20-11
Ron Paul was on CBS Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer on Sunday November 20th. You can find the video here: and here: The treatment of Ron Paul was predictably shameful. As we watch this, we must remember that CBS is owned by Westinghouse, which according to Wikipedia is a top 100 U.S. defense […]
RON PAUL WINS OHIO GOP Swing State Straw Poll WITH 53.5%
Ohio Straw Poll Results. Paul 53.5% Cain 25.47% Romney 8.88% Gingrich 5.37% I can just see the headlines now: “Cain pulls in a strong second place victory over third place Romney, to stabilize his position in the top tier.” Then later we will see: “Barack Obama finishes a Strong Second in 2012 Presidential Election.” Sarah […]