Congress is the Key

Archive for the ‘Terrorism’

Ron Paul Introduces HR 6416: The American Traveler Dignity Act

Congressman Ron Paul decries TSA abuses on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives 11-17-2010.    WATCH VIDEO: OR    Only two things are needed to prevent hijackings: 1. LOCK THE DOOR TO THE COCKPIT 2. ARM THE CREW    WHY NOT JUST MAKE THE COCKPIT A SELF SUFFICIENT MODULE WITHOUT […]

American Recipe for Holocaust

– A startling video by Naomi Wolf, author of “The End of America” THIS COMES FROM A LEFTIST WHO HAS SEEN ENOUGH TO START GETTING SCARED. Naomi Wolf wrote the book “The End of America”: Videos about the book: The word “democracy” is used incorrectly, as a synonym for liberty, but the […]

Private Corporate Mercenaries Invade South Carolina & Arizona

Private Security Continues to Invade American Towns November 6, 2010 by Alex Private Security Continues to Invade American Towns November 6, 2010 by Alex Brandon Turbeville Activist Post A couple nights ago, I was sitting in front of the TV waiting on the local campaign coverage. Amid the mindless programming that passes for entertainment, and […]

Government Kidnaps Newborn Baby Over Parent Support Of Constitution

Government Kidnaps Newborn Baby Over Parent Support Of Constitution Couple who took part in Oath Keepers online discussion forum have child snatched. This is a shocking new level of police state persecution. Do we not call the taking of hostages a terrorist act? If our government calls it extremism to support the oath […]

Arrested & Beaten For Holding ‘Impeach Obama’ Sign On Public Property OR America! How long will you go on believing that we do not live in a police state? What will it take to wake you? Palmer, Alaska This first day of the 2010 Alaska State Fair starts with sunny skies and a brutal assault by security personnel on a LaRouche supporter. At […]

911 WITNESSES MURDERED?  OR     There are many, many 9-11 witnesses from network chopper pilots, 9-11 widow and victims leader for 9-11 truth, to DC Madame who was interviewed nationally with information on CIA connections to 9-11, to babysitter for Marvin Bush, director of the Kuwait/Saudi backed company responsible for twin towers security.    9/11 Key Witness […]

Obama Authorizes Killing American Citizens Without Charge or Trial.  Obama Proposes “Prolonged Detention” Without Trial We have seen the return of the use of mystical incantations. There is magic word which carries the power to make freedom vanish. With the appropriate slight of hand, a skilled wizard can use this magic word to vaporize the entire constitution in one flash. With a small amount of training this magic word can even […]

Best Collection of Freedom Videos This is the Most Extensive Collection of Freedom Videos Ever Compiled. If this message has been emailed the recipient may have to copy and paste the links into the address bar, as censorship of these kind of links is rampant. Adding spaces to the URL is the usual method. These URLs are regularly removed […]

Police State Training In Anderson, SC

 6-8-2010 through 6-20-2010 The Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, the US Army, numerous SC state agencies, other federal agencies, and local law enforcement will conduct a military drill in Anderson county, SC, and surrounding areas, as a mock terrorist attack, from June 8, 2010. through June 20 2010. “Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the […]

How Many More Tax Supported Terrorists Do We Need?

You just spent $20,000,000 to move members and supporters of Hamas, a terrorist organization, to the United States; housing, food, the whole enchilada. HB 1388 PASSED Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U.S. needs to know….Something happened…HB 1388 was passed, behind our backs.  You may want to read about it… […]