Congress is the Key

US Army THOUGHT POLICE Rejecting Messages Containing Unauthorized Thoughts Like Oath to Constitution

TRY SENDING A MESSAGE ABOUT THE OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION THROUGH THE US ARMY’S EMAIL SERVER AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS   —– Original Message —–   From: “Mail Delivery System” <>   The message that you sent to an user with subject “Army THOUGHT POLICE Rejecting Messages Containing Unauthorized Thoughts Like Oath to Constitution” […]

We Can Still Stop Obamacare in S.C., but we must act immediately.

Act Immediately- Davis Amendment Becomes a Bill     March 23, 2014: We Can Stop Obamacare in S.C., but we must act immediately.     We have received word from Jesse Graston that even though H3101 was defeated by a parliamentary trick, Representative Chumley has put the exact wording of the Davis Amendment into a House […]

Destroying Property Rights In the Name of Cleaning Up Dilapidated Buildings

Just for fun, let’s do what the Constitution says this time. See the Seventh Amendment for details. What Representative could vote against an amendment to S375 that simply requires a trial by jury, in accordance with the Seventh Amendment? Didn’t they all swear an OATH to support the Constitution? Watch the video at:  or […]

Tyranny Training in Richland County, SC Today and Tomorrow

Federal troops will be training the Richland County Sheriffs Department in how to impose martial law and abolish the Bill of Rights. Of course, the population is also being trained in the acceptance of tyranny. Many times these tyranny training courses are a cover for a “false flag” act of terrorism. Be ready for another fake […]


  Most of  us believe that the First Amendment could never be abolished by the usurpation of an agency of unelected bureaucrats. The IRS is now presenting itself as the regulator of speech.  Attempts to silence organizations that defend liberty are now well known. Through harassment, the FEDS have attempted to stifle TEA party groups, home schoolers, pro-lifers, defenders of the […]

Oath Keepers Billboards Near White House and Pentagon     Oath Keepers placed a billboard at the D.C. Metro White House Station on August 12, 2013. With the placement of this billboard, we call on all White House employees to honor their Oath to the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights. We call on them to stop hiding their actions beneath a veil of […]


  No one has a duty to enforce injustice, regardless of any unjust laws, and regardless of the instructions of judges, bureaucrats, or even the President. All public servants have sworn an oath to support & defend the constitution. You can swear the same oath without regard to your status in or out of government. […]

Snowden Has a Choke Hold on American Tyranny

This story is still under investigation. The portions that have been verified are so important that publication will not be delayed while the additional research is being done. Apparently the criminals in the United States government now have a vested interest in keeping Edward Snowden alive and safe. A classified briefing was given to members of […]

SC House Has UNANIMOUSLY passed Legislation to BAN DRONES. H3514 is now in the SENATE Senate Judiciary Committee

Posted By Tim Brown of Jan 25, 2014 in 10th Amendment Center:   The South Carolina House unanimously passed (100-0) legislation that would virtually ban drones being used by law enforcement without a warrant. H3514 was introduced in 2013 by Representatives Hamilton (R), Delleney (R), Taylor (R), Putnam (R) and Loftis (R). According to the […]

Oath Keepers VIDEO Play List

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help […]