Obamacare Nullification Hearings with SC Sen. Tom Davis
The Obama Care Nullification PLAYLIST http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2i2YIitddOJJkXGr2JTCkiwyjOWt1ybg If your state has no done this yet, start now. H3101 Nullification of Obamacare has already passed in the SC House. It was not voted on in the Senate when the session ended. Senator Tom Davis is spearheading the renewed effort in the Senate. If other states do this […]
The Obama Care Nullification PLAYLIST
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2i2YIitddOJJkXGr2JTCkiwyjOWt1ybg READ THE ARTICLE AT: http://targetfreedom.com/cfr/obamacare-explained-in-simple-terms/ MORE INFO: The New American Magazine Reprint “New World of Obamacare” PACK OF 25 Copies http://americanistbookstore.com/books/new-world-of-obamacare-pack-of-25-copies/ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B06F08A?ie=UTF8&seller=A1AVPSERX4QF0E&sn=jperna12 To understand Obamacare we must first look at the History Lesson on Government Running Businesses: http://targetfreedom.typepad.com/targetfreedom/2009/09/historyongovernmentrunbusiness.html The U.S. Postal Service is broke, & even though heavily subsidized, it can’t […]
Lindsey Graham Precinct Captain Endorses Graham’s Opponent Lee Bright
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU7-5X8SxME&feature=c4-overview&list=UUiqRq2mT_bBPMRhHap684Ig ———- http://youtu.be/bU7-5X8SxME Fairfield County GOP Chairman, and former Lindsey Graham Precinct Captain, has switched to campaigning for Graham’s Republican Party primary opponent: SC State Senator Lee Bright. This personal endorsement speaks to a growing sentiment across the state, as many other leaders are stepping up to support Lee in this race. At a time when Graham is defying […]
Obamacare Explained in Simple Terms
VIDEO: http://youtu.be/TyWb-YnXVRk ———— MORE INFO: The New American Magazine Reprint “New World of Obamacare” PACK OF 25 Copies http://americanistbookstore.com/books/new-world-of-obamacare-pack-of-25-copies/ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B06F08A?ie=UTF8&seller=A1AVPSERX4QF0E&sn=jperna12 ————— The first thing that we need to understand is that there is no such thing as “federal money”. The federal government does not HAVE any money. The federal government is 17 TRILLION dollars in […]
Oath Keepers Remove Barricades From WW2 Memorial in DC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5bx8uaz0S0&feature=c4-overview&list=UUiqRq2mT_bBPMRhHap684Ig — http://youtu.be/q5bx8uaz0S0 When the ILLEGAL ALIENS came to Washington DC, Obama sent coffee and installed Port-O-Potties. When the veterans came he put up barricades, and sent riot police. The barricades were not very heavy, and the police honored their OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION. Here is a demonstration of the reality that brings the collapse of most dictatorships. […]
Senator Lee Bright at SC Statehouse 10-16-13
Senator Lee Bright at SC Statehouse 10 16 13 http://youtu.be/fp1h3zS4Kxs It is a rare opportunity, for the voters, when they are no longer expected to choose the “lesser of two evils”. SC State Senator Lee Bright is running against Lindsey Graham. Senator Bright has been a life long champion for liberty. At the same time […]
How the Russian Navy Dealt With Somali Pirates
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzRSDxz17iA&feature=c4-overview&list=UUiqRq2mT_bBPMRhHap684Ig http://youtu.be/nzRSDxz17iA In 2010 Somali pirates captured a Russian oil tanker. The European Union, which patrols these waters, refused to interfere claiming that they feared there could be casualties. Then Russian Navy Commandos freed the crew & recovered the tanker. This videotape shows what happened after the Russians captured the Somali pirate ship. The Russian commandos spoke to each other in Russian, but spoke to […]
Keep the Federal Government Shut Down!
Go Ahead and Shut the Federal Government Down! WATCH THIS VIDEO: http://youtu.be/YaiS0nWoosU Who Cares if the Federal Government Shuts Down? http://targetfreedom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Go-Ahead-and-Shut-the-Federal-Government-Down.wmv https://vimeo.com/81578454 http://targetfreedom.com/bills-in-congress/go-ahead-and-shut-the-federal-government-down/ As the charade of a “government shutdown” continued the show in Washington, D.C. we saw more and more clearly, how worthless the Federal government really is. The Federal government can be shut down, and life […]
The Question that Stops Police Bluffing- Am I being detained or am I free to go?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNzgkruFw5g&list=UUiqRq2mT_bBPMRhHap684Ig&index=1&feature=plcp http://youtu.be/QNzgkruFw5g Holding up a sign that says ‘SPEED TRAP’ about four blocks away from a speed trap is not illegal. Police tried to bluff and threaten a peaceful citizen with arrest. The question that stops police bluffing is a simple one: “Am I being detained or am I free to go?” The policeman was obviously upset […]
Monsanto and Crony Capitalism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NntZqhVAsKI&feature=c4-overview&list=UUiqRq2mT_bBPMRhHap684Ig http://youtu.be/NntZqhVAsKI Uploaded with written permission from the producer, Ben Swann. Visit his web page at http://benswann.com/ Monsanto, and the government agencies that regulate Monsanto, are linked like a revolving door: with individuals rotating between working for one, and then working for the other. In short, the fox is guarding the hen house. Monsanto is […]