Congress is the Key

Has Your Government Ordered Your Death Yet?

DHS just bought 450 million rounds hollow point ammo. This is illegal to use in war. The only possible use is domestic, against the American people. At the same time the American government will be putting 30,000 Predator drones in the skies above us. Read the article: “FEDS ARMING FOR WAR WITH WHO?” at: Here is the “help wanted” […]

What the UN Gun Grab Means to You

Actual Glock ad- Somebody picked the wrong diner! 1) “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” ~ Thomas Jefferson.    2) “The best we can hope for concerning the people at […]

Rep. Kelly’s Rousing Government GET OFF OUR BACKS Speech GETS Standing Ovation & Chants of USA!    Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania gets a standing ovation in the House of Representatives for telling our government to leave us alone, and let us be productive. What is the cost of the “red tape” that our government? Feds: you are out of touch with America! Get off of our backs, […]

Police brutality worse than Rodney King

Watch the video This video documentary includes actual police dash-cam video and audio of a horrific state police beating of an unarmed, non-combative citizen. This case involves a New York State resident operating his car just across the border from his New York home in Pennsylvania.  His name is Robert Leone.This case […]

Mass. Republicans oust delegates who did not sign pledge to support Romney They did not deliver affidavit in support of Mitt Romney on time By Stephanie Ebbert Globe Staff  June 24, 2012  AP/File   In Massachusetts, Ron Paul’s Liberty Slate swept the Republican caucuses in April, stealing delegate spots that were expected to go to Mitt Romney’s friends and allies, whom he had selected. Evan Kenney […]

Foreign Troops Training In Tampa for GOP Convention Take Over?  Oh, they are so proud to show what they can do. It just happens that all of these foreign troops are training in Tampa, where the GOP Convention will be held. Maybe they have decided that local police do not do a good enough job of intimidating those Ron Paul supporters. Some of those […]

Ron Paul Vote Fraud Lawsuit

Lawyers For Ron Paul Civil Rights (Voting Rights) Lawsuit FAQ  Vote fraud, delegate intimidation, hidden & stolen votes in America? Even police power is being used to control our political process. At the Louisiana GOP State Convention a properly elected 70 yr old handicapped delegate was attacked by police. His hip was broken, and […]

Police Break Bones of Ron Paul Delegates

Ron Paul Supporter Assaulted by Shreveport Police at LAGOP State Convention – Broken Hip    THIS IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA! Police power is being used to control our political process. At the Louisiana GOP State Convention a properly elected 70 yr old handicapped delegate was attacked by police. His hip was broken, and […]

Illinois Rep Screams in Outrage on House floor! (The tyranny is coming unglued) When Rome degenerated from a free republic into a tyranny the statesmen, who had previously served the people, were intimidated to be silent. Caesar left the Senate functioning to preserve the illusion of a government of laws. The difference was that the only function of the Senator was to do exactly as Caesar said […]

Romney loses to Ron Paul in his own state

This victory also defeats the “Rule 40 tactic” which disqualifies candidates from a convention runoff unless they had won 5 states. Mitt’s Massachusetts Massacre gave Ron Paul his fifth state. What may be the most embarrassing moment yet for Mitt Romney, during the race for the 2012 Republican Nomination, happened over the weekend in the […]