Kathy Griffin is not a comedian. Kathy Griffin is a JOKE.
Kathy Griffin is now the “poster child” of the mentally deranged. What kind of a fiend portrays a bloody severed head of a sitting President as being something that is funny? If you see Kathy Griffin’s face again, change the channel, and then write to the network who hired her. Then write to the sponsors of […]
Trump Cuts $640 Million in Funding for United Nations – 1 min Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQvtglVMcLc Trump has redirected that money to making AMERICA great again. That means strengthening the American military, not the New World Order’s world police force. The American people have been BEGGING the American government to stop funding the totalitarian globalist United Nations for 50 years. The American people have been BEGGING the American government to get out of the Communist controlled United […]
Best Politicians Money Can Buy – SC Senate Passes Tax Hike to Fund More Corruption
The YouTube account, that was exposing Corrupt Politicians, has been terminated with no reason given. The videos have now been uploaded to Facebook. Eighty percent of the people are against a gas tax increase, but the Legislature doesn’t care what the people think. This was done to increase tax revenue for SC, but this will now […]
Reality Check For Low IQ Leftists
Apparently they have not thought of this. When a train is accelerating; while heading down a dead end track, how long should you wait before replacing the engineer? Anyone with I. Q. above room temperature will be able to answer this question. ================= PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ON Thomas Jefferson said: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” […]
Clinton Foundation 2014 Tax Return
These figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for the tax year 2014. The copy of the tax return is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics website. You can get the latest tax return on any charitable organization. Total revenue (line 12) ……………….$177, 804,612.00 Total grants to […]
Investigating a Class Action Suit for Fake News Shills and Social Media Frauds
We have a unique position to stop some fake news. We have 3 accounts with Meetup.com. Meetup.com is Taking A Political Stand Against The Trump Administration Meetup.com is giving FREE meetups, to the “#Resist” COALITION: #Resist – A LEFTIST COALITION of Democrats, Communists, Socialists, Jihadists, “progressives”, and anti-Trump agitators: They are well funded and buying up everything that can be bought. They are […]
Shopping to Make America Great Again – Preferred Vendors List
BUY AMERICAN and HIRE AMERICAN is only part of what you can do to make America great again. The other part is to buy PRO-American and hire PRO-American. http://americanistbookstore.com/products-page/bumper-sticker/america-first-bumper-sticker/ It would ordinarily be a large task to assemble such a list of preferred vendors. Fortunately the subversives have done most of that work for us. They have assembled […]
Anti-Trump Boycott is an IQ Test for the Snow Flakes
In every small minority of radicals it is important to create the appearance of popular support. The appearance of popular support is a vital element for deception. It is a fatal error to follow a course of action which demonstrates a lack of popular support. This problem arises when intellectually challenged radicals start to believe their own deceptions concerning […]
A Day Without Illegal Aliens- The Devastating Effects
Unemployment among illegal aliens is at an all time high. Illegal aliens are boycotting businesses which support Donald Trump’s proposed law of sending illegal immigrants back to their native countries. Shop lifting is down by 90%. Retailers are reporting dwindling sales of beer, tequila, spray paint, and ammunition. Thousands are moving elsewhere showing their outrage. Crack cocaine and marijuana […]
Message On Travel Ban From Retired Marine in Iraq
https://youtu.be/WieZ2ZdrATY https://www.facebook.com/john.perna.7/videos/vb.626469060/10154987835419061/?type=2&theater Retired Marine Sgt. Steve Gern made a message on the travel ban while in Iraq. The video went viral: 45 Million views in a week. He asked a simple question, that we should also ask. Sgt. Steve Gern has now been evacuated from Iraq, on a plane with only one passenger. Here’s the […]