Congress is the Key

Archive for the ‘Current Affairs’

SC House GOP voted to protect corruption and secrecy

“The State” newspaper characterized Representative Jonathon Hill (R-Anderson) as “Least liked member of the South Carolina House of Representatives”. We might want to ask The State who they had polled. Is “fake news” the euphemism for out right lying? Getting the list of those who “The State” had polled would be useful to the voters. These are […]

Starbucks Giving Black People Free Coffee for “Reparations”?

Starbucks Giving Black People Free Coffee for “Reparations”? This black man went into Starbucks, and demanded free coffee as “reparations”. He GOT IT! When the media asked him why he did this, he said that he wanted to show how stupid the liberals are. ——— Two Black Men Arrested for Acting Entitled At Starbucks […]

Pray for Our Schools

Now I sit me down in school Where praying is against the rule For this great nation under God Finds mention of Him very odd If scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow Becomes a Federal matter now Our hair can be purple, orange or […]

Best Politicians Money Can Buy – SC Senate Passes Tax Hike to Fund More Corruption

The YouTube account, that was exposing Corrupt Politicians, has been terminated with no reason given. The videos have now been uploaded to Facebook.  Eighty percent of the people are against a gas tax increase, but the Legislature doesn’t care what the people think. This was done to increase tax revenue for SC, but this will now […]

Plans to Disrupt the Inauguration, Assassinate Trump, and Demand a New Election

Make no mistake about this: The survival of Donald J. Trump, and the survival of his Presidency depends on the support of the American people. Mentally challenged rabble are already disrupting the hearings on confirmations of Trump’s appointments: Watch Radicals Disrupt Ted Cruz As He Speaks On Confirmation of Sessions  For Security reasons, we suggest […]

Gowdy Grills DHS at Hearing on Terrorism and Visa Waiver   Where is the “due process” that is afforded to an American citizen before that American citizen is placed onto the “no fly” list? Being placed on the “no fly” list takes away the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Which of the other constitutional rights can be taken away without […]


Soccer game in Istanbul, Turkey Nov 17, 2015. Officials called for a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the attack on Paris. Turkish Islamist’s booed and shouted “Allah Akbar”. Turkish Islamists Observe Moment of Silence for France by Shouting Allah Akbar VIDEOS: WHAT EVIL EXISTS, THAT DECEIVES MASSIVE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE, […]

Understanding Jihad; Sharia and Muslim Migration

VIDEO: US Admiral James Lyons Explains Jihad Do not hate Muslims, but oppose tyranny. When tyranny disguises itself as religion do not give that tyranny any immunity. What is more important to understand than religious doctrine is the seeking of power. Tyrants often use religion for the seeking of power. This is not about […]

Faked Palestinian Propaganda Video  Supposedly this is a Palestinian girl who is speaking English to Israeli soldiers.  Supposedly this little girl just composed a poem that rhymes in English. WHERE IS THE MICROPHONE? WHY IS THERE NO VARIATION IN VOLUME AS SHE MOVES ABOUT? Do you hear the appropriate background noises?  SOLDIERS DID NOT LOOK AT HER. WAS SHE ACTUALLY THERE? IS THIS […]

Emergencies Are Used to Justify Tyranny

Creating Crisis to Justify Building Tyranny   We are hearing the phrase, “Involuntary Evacuation” or “Mandatory Evacuation.” There is either voluntary evacuation or there is tyranny.We remember Katrina, where volunteers from other states, some of them trained personnel, were turned away.  When the Feds are involved it comes to be about the use of force and […]