Archive for the ‘Film’
Rand Paul Subjected to Outlandish Attack Ad By Desperate Opponent
Rand Paul Subjected to Outlandish Attack Ad By Desperate Opponent WAY OVER THE TOP, ACROSS THE LINE, AND OFF THE EDGE! CLICK HERE; Thomas Jefferson said: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” We add this: “The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost. The battle for […]
Government Kidnaps Newborn Baby Over Parent Support Of Constitution
Government Kidnaps Newborn Baby Over Parent Support Of Constitution Couple who took part in Oath Keepers online discussion forum have child snatched. This is a shocking new level of police state persecution. Do we not call the taking of hostages a terrorist act? If our government calls it extremism to support the oath […]
Fake Organized Home Made Protest Exposed
Andrew Breitbart Confronts Hateful Protesters At Right Nation 2010 A crowd of dupes were bussed in, and provided with signs that they did not even understand. A manufactured protest was exposed. Dupes were asked to explain their signs, and they could not. Then one of their organizers told them to walk away, and they […]
Arrested & Beaten For Holding ‘Impeach Obama’ Sign On Public Property OR America! How long will you go on believing that we do not live in a police state? What will it take to wake you? Palmer, Alaska This first day of the 2010 Alaska State Fair starts with sunny skies and a brutal assault by security personnel on a LaRouche supporter. At […]
Obama Calls on The UN to Govern Arizona
Arizona Gov. Brewer Responds to Obama and Clinton Concerning The Human Rights Report To The United Nations: We Are Offended At Sec Clinton Including Arizona In The Human Rights Report To The U.N.! This youtube will play faster until it gets censored The words, that are below, are found in The Declaration of […]
STORM TROOPER OF THE WEEK: Man Arrested For Speaking Against Illegal Search
Beware of traveling to Jonesboro, Arkansas. If you do visit Jonesboro, Arkansas do not bring any lady with you. Watch this video and see how a male policeman might handle her. If you are female watch this lady being handled and imagine this happening to you. If you are male imagine this being done to your own wife, girlfriend or daughter. This video is the “one […]
Arrested For Exercising First Amendment Rights
As audacious as a police state ever gets: right in your face. John Bush Arrested For being Outside of “Free Speech Zone” At U.T. Austin WATCH IT FOR YOURSELF: The entire United States is a “Free Speech Zone”. Here is ALL of what happened BEFORE the arrest: John Bush vs. Barack Bush […]
Obama Authorizes Killing American Citizens Without Charge or Trial. Obama Proposes “Prolonged Detention” Without Trial We have seen the return of the use of mystical incantations. There is magic word which carries the power to make freedom vanish. With the appropriate slight of hand, a skilled wizard can use this magic word to vaporize the entire constitution in one flash. With a small amount of training this magic word can even […]
Critiques of Obama are being hacked and censored What Obama Does Not Want You To See Or Know The Obama Deception – An Alex Jones Film TRAILER #2 – Respond by passing this information on! The “Police State” Special Edition Issue of The New American magazine. (Fall/Winter 1994) The cover […]
Glenn Beck discusses remarkable warnings on the history of Communism
Part A: Part B: Part C: Part D: His program from 06-24-10 was pretty remarkable. He discussed how communism, as an ideology, didn’t evaporate into the ether when the Berlin Wall was torn down. He played video clips from Ezra Taft Benson who was Secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower and an outspoken […]