Archive for the ‘Travel’
Best Collection of Freedom Videos This is the Most Extensive Collection of Freedom Videos Ever Compiled. If this message has been emailed the recipient may have to copy and paste the links into the address bar, as censorship of these kind of links is rampant. Adding spaces to the URL is the usual method. These URLs are regularly removed […]
Police State Training In Anderson, SC
6-8-2010 through 6-20-2010 The Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, the US Army, numerous SC state agencies, other federal agencies, and local law enforcement will conduct a military drill in Anderson county, SC, and surrounding areas, as a mock terrorist attack, from June 8, 2010. through June 20 2010. “Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the […]
Illegal Aliens Think They Can Conquer Us
MACHETE trailer: (OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE) SHOCK VIDEO: ‘Professor’ Calls for Mexican Revolt in America Reconquista Aztlan Separatist Speech by Ron Gochez L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S. Now you know what La Raza is. Just doing jobs tha Americans do not want? We have the right to defend ourselves. Thomas […]
Why Obama will not be visiting Arizona!
The Constitution states that The President must be a “natural born” citizen of the USA. Obama, rather than presenting his birth documents like all other presidential candidates, spends over $800,000 in legal fees to block them in the courts. He not only blocks birth records but all his records including school records that could reveal […]
Patriot Expo
of SC Myrtle Beach Freedom Weekend Do not miss the Myrtle Beach Freedom Weekend , November 14th & 15th, 2009 at the Ocean Dunes Resort & Villas in Myrtle Beach, SC The Myrtle Beach Freedom Weekend (MBFW) evolves from last June's original Patriot Expo in Columbia, SC. The MBFW will host the educational 'Making of America' seminar, based […]
IN PITTSBURGH at G20, AND OTHER PLACES. Here is how a POLICE STATE looks: Click here: YouTube – G20 protest martial law, police use sound cannons and tear gas Pittsburgh 924 Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20 ADDITIONAL EMBEDDED VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE […]
Vaccination: The Excuse For Tyranny
Mark Of The Beast IS HERE NOW: RFID Bracelets, supposedly to prove that you have been already infected by the forced vaccination Swine Flu Conference: Planning to take kids from schools & Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines Soldier, Former State Trooper Speak Out On Forced Vaccinations Former Kansas state trooper Greg Evensen underscored this claim last […]
United Nations Exposed
Videos and Books Galore United Nations Exposed – Part 1 The United Nations Exposed (Paperback) by William F. Jasper United Nations Exposed – Part 2 46 Angry Men: The 46 Civilian Doctors of Elisabethville Denounce U. N. O. Violations in (Paperback) by The Civilian Doctors of Elizabethville Global […]
Foreign Troops Under U.N. Flags Here?
FEMA gets trained by the American people! Here are the reports that are out at this time: We have no information about the credentials of those who have created this page. CALL YOUR GOVERNOR NOW, AND ASK HIM IF THERE ARE FOREIGN TROOPS IN YOUR STATE. IF HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT IT SEND THESE URLS: […]
Police Buying Tasers with Federal Stimulus Money Use of force policy: Columbia police to learn taser don’ts Officers getting new law enforcement tool By ADAM BEAM – Columbia police officers will begin carrying Tasers in the coming months, thanks to $116,000 in federal stimulus money. But before officers can use the weapons, which jolt suspects with five-second bursts of […]